Last data update: 2014.03.03

Data Source

R Release (3.2.3)

Data Type

Data set


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asthma (Package: SemiMarkov) : Asthma control data

Data from a follow-up study of severe asthmatic patients. At each visit, covariates are recorded and asthma was evaluated using the concept of control scores. Such scores reflect a global judgement of the disease gravity based on official criteria. Three levels are considered (optimal, suboptimal and unacceptable control) and can be used to define the subject's state at each visit. The aim is to investigate the evolution of asthma control and to evaluate the effect of covariates. The data contains an extraction of 371 patients with at least two visits. The table is presented in long format with one row for each observed transition between two states. The rows corresponding to the same subject are ordered chronologically. The last sojourn time is right-censored by the end of the study and represent the time until censoring. A censored transition is defined as a transition to the same state h->h.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: asthma
● 0 images