Last data update: 2014.03.03

Data Source

R Release (3.2.3)

Data Type

Data set


Results 1 - 6 of 6 found.
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mexico (Package: list) : The 2012 Mexico Elections Panel Study

This dataset is a subset of the 2012 Mexico Elections Panel Study and contains a list experiment question. It reads as follows: I am going to read you a list of four activities that appear on this card and I want you to tell me how many of these activities you have done in recent weeks. Please don''t tell me which ones, just HOW MANY. The four activities are... (SHOW CARD AND READ) a. See television news that mentions a candidate b. Attend a campaign event c. Exchange your vote for a gift, favor, or access to a service d. Talk about politics with other people
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: mexico
● 0 images

combinedListExps (Package: list) : Five List Experiments with Direct Questions

A dataset containing the five list experiments in Aronow, Coppock, Crawford, and Green (2015)
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: combinedListExps
● 0 images

affirm (Package: list) : The 1991 National Race and Politics Survey

This dataset is a subset of the 1991 National Race and Politics Survey and contains the item count technique or the list experiment. The main question reads as follows: Now I'm going to read you four things that sometimes make people angry or upset. After I read all (three/four), just tell me HOW MANY of them upset you. (I don't want to know which ones, just how many.) (1) "the federal government increasing the tax on gasoline;" (2) "professional athletes getting million-dollar-plus salaries;" (3) "large corporations polluting the environment;" (4) "black leaders asking the government for affirmative action."
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: affirm
● 0 images

mis (Package: list) : The 1994 Multi-Investigator Survey

This dataset is a subset of the 1994 Multi-Investigator Survey and contains the item count technique or the list experiment. The main question reads as follows: Now I'm going to read you four things that sometimes make people angry or upset. After I read all (three/four), just tell me HOW MANY of them upset you. (I don't want to know which ones, just how many.) (1) "the federal government increasing the tax on gasoline;" (2) "professional athletes getting million-dollar-plus salaries;" (3) "requiring seatbelts be used when driving;" (4) "large corporations polluting the environment;" (5) "black leaders asking the government for affirmative action."
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: mis
● 0 images

race (Package: list) : The 1991 National Race and Politics Survey

This dataset is a subset of the 1991 National Race and Politics Survey and contains the item count technique or the list experiment. The main question reads as follows: Now I'm going to read you four things that sometimes make people angry or upset. After I read all (three/four), just tell me HOW MANY of them upset you. (I don't want to know which ones, just how many.) (1) "the federal government increasing the tax on gasoline;" (2) "professional athletes getting million-dollar-plus salaries;" (3) "large corporations polluting the environment;" (4) "a black family moving next door to you."
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: race
● 0 images

multi (Package: list) : The 1991 National Race and Politics Survey

This dataset is a subset of the 1991 National Race and Politics Survey and contains a list experiment with two sensitive items. The main questions read as follows: Now I'm going to read you four things that sometimes make people angry or upset. After I read all (three/four), just tell me HOW MANY of them upset you. (I don't want to know which ones, just how many.) (1) "the federal government increasing the tax on gasoline;" (2) "professional athletes getting million-dollar-plus salaries;" (3) "large corporations polluting the environment;" (4) "a black family moving next door to you."
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: multi
● 0 images