Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Reorder (Package: ClusterStability) : This function returns the ordering of a partitioning solution in ascending order.

This function returns the ordered partition of a set of numbers in ascending order and reorderd to start at one. This is an auxiliary function.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: Reorder
● 0 images

Undocumented functions (Package: ClusterStability) : Undocumented functions

The following functions are for internal computation only: calculate_global_PSG, calculate_indices, calculate_singleton, is_partition_group, p_n_k, p_tilde_n_k, calculate_individual_PSG_approximative, calculate_individual_PSG_exact, calculate_individual_PSG.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: a2combination, calculate_global_PSG, calculate_indices, calculate_individual_PSG, calculate_individual_PSG_approximative, calculate_individual_PSG_exact, calculate_singleton, is_partition_group, p_n_k, p_tilde_n_k
● 0 images

ClusterStability-package (Package: ClusterStability) : Assessment of the stability of individual objects, clusters and a whole clustering solution based on repeated runs of a clustering algorithm.

The ClusterStability package uses a probabilistic framework and some well-known clustering criteria (e.g. Calinski-Harabasz, Silhouette, Dunn and Davies-Bouldin) to compute the stability scores (ST) of each individual object (i.e., element) in the clustering solution provided by the K-means and K-medoids partitioning algorithms.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: package, partitioning criteria, stability score
● Alias: ClusterStability-package
● 0 images

ClusterStability_exact (Package: ClusterStability) : Calculates the exact stability score (emph{ST

This function will return the exact individual stability score ST and the exact global score STglobal using either the K-means or K-medoids algorithm and four different clustering indices: Calinski-Harabasz, Silhouette, Dunn or Davies-Bouldin. Variable overflow errors are possible for large numbers of objects.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: Stability score,ST,individual,global,exact
● Alias: ClusterStability_exact
● 0 images

Stirling2nd (Package: ClusterStability) : Stirling2nd function computes the Stirling numbers of the second kind.

This function returns the estimated Stirling numbers of the second kind i.e., the number of ways of partitioning a set of n objects into k nonempty groups.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: Stirling2nd
● 0 images

ClusterStability (Package: ClusterStability) : Calculates the approximate stability score (emph{ST

This function will return the individual stability score ST and the global score STglobal using either the K-means or K-medoids algorithm and four different clustering indices: Calinski-Harabasz, Silhouette, Dunn or Davies-Bouldin.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: Stability score,ST,individual,global,approximative
● Alias: ClusterStability
● 0 images

Kcombination (Package: ClusterStability) : Kcombination returns the list of all possible combinations of a set of numbers of a given length emph{k

This function, given a vector of numbers, will return all the possible combinations of a given length k.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: k-combination
● Alias: Kcombination
● 0 images