Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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setPolicyValues (Package: HydeNet) : Assign Default Policy Values

By default, HydeNet uses factor levels for policy values in a decision node, assuming the decision node is a factor variable. In cases where the decision node is a numeric variable, HydeNet will first try to assign the first, second, and third quartiles as policy values. setPolicyValues allows the user flexibility in which values are actually used in the decision network. It can also be used to restrict the levels of a factor variable to a subset of all levels. Policy values may also be set in setNode, but setPolicyValues makes it possible to set the values for multiple nodes in one call.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: setPolicyValues
● 0 images

TranslateFormula (Package: HydeNet) : Translate R Formula to JAGS

While most functions available in JAGS have equivalents in R, they don't always use the exact same names. R formulas are converted to character strings, function names translated, and the corresponding JAGS formula is returned.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: TranslateFormula, rToJags
● 0 images

compileJagsModel (Package: HydeNet) : Compile Jags Model from a Hyde Network

Generates the JAGS code from the Hyde network and uses it to create an object representing a Bayesian graphical model.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: compileJagsModel
● 0 images

%>% (Package: HydeNet) : Chain together multiple operations.

This is a copy of the documentation for %>% in dplyr. The copy here is made to conform to CRAN requirements regarding documentation. Please see the dplyr documenation for the complete and current documentation.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: %>%
● 0 images

print.HydePosterior (Package: HydeNet) : Print a Hyde Posterior Distribution Object

Print a Hyde Posterior Distribution Object
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: print.HydePosterior
● 0 images

writeJagsFormula (Package: HydeNet) : Write the JAGS Formula for a Hyde Node

Based on the information provided about the node, an appropriate JAGS model is written in text. This is combined with the other node models to generate the complete network.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: writeJagsFormula, writeJagsFormula.cpt, writeJagsFormula.glm, writeJagsFormula.lm, writeJagsFormula.multinom, writeJagsFormula.xtabs
● 0 images

plot.HydeNetwork (Package: HydeNet) : Plotting Utilities Probabilistic Graphical Network

Plotting Utilities Probabilistic Graphical Network
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: HydePlotOptions, customNode, mapEdges, mergeCustomEdges, mergeCustomNodes, plot.HydeNetwork, plotHydeNetwork
● 0 images

vectorProbs (Package: HydeNet) : Convert a vector to JAGS Probabilities

Probability vectors can be passed manually to the model, but they must be formatted in code appropriate to JAGS. vectorProbs will convert a vector of counts or weights to probabilities and format it into JAGS code.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: vectorProbs
● 0 images

setDecisionNodes (Package: HydeNet) : Classify Multiple Nodes as Decision or Utility Nodes

Depending on how your Hyde Network was built, you may not have had the opportunity to declare which nodes are decision or utlity nodes. For instance, when passing a list of models, there is no way to indicate in the model object that the node should be considered a decision node. As a matter of convenience, these function will set any nodes indicated to decision or utility nodes. It will make no other modifications to a node's definition.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: setDecisionNodes, setUtilityNodes
● 0 images

writeNetworkModel (Package: HydeNet) : Generate JAGS Code for a Network's Model

Based on the parameters given to a network, the code for each node is generated and all of the node models are pasted into a single JAGS model script.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: writeNetworkModel
● 0 images