Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Results 1 - 10 of 25 found.
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PostgreSQLResult-class (Package: RPostgreSQL) : Class PostgreSQLResult

PostgreSQL's query results class. This classes encapsulates the result of an SQL statement (either select or not).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: classes, database, interface
● Alias: PostgreSQLResult-class
● 0 images

PostgreSQLObject-class (Package: RPostgreSQL) : Class PostgreSQLObject

Base class for all PostgreSQL-specific DBI classes
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: classes, database, interface
● Alias: PostgreSQLObject-class
● 0 images

summary-methods (Package: RPostgreSQL) : Summarize an PostgreSQL object

These methods are straight-forward implementations of the corresponding generic functions.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: database, interface, methods
● Alias: coerce,PostgreSQLConnection,PostgreSQLDriver-method, coerce,PostgreSQLConnection,PostgreSQLResult-method, coerce,PostgreSQLObject,PostgreSQLDriver-method, coerce,PostgreSQLResult,PostgreSQLConnection-method, coerce,PostgreSQLResult,PostgreSQLDriver-method, coerce,dbObjectId,character-method, coerce,dbObjectId,integer-method, coerce,dbObjectId,numeric-method, coerce-methods, format,dbObjectId-method, format-methods, print,dbObjectId-method, show,dbObjectId-method, show-methods, summary,PostgreSQLConnection-method, summary,PostgreSQLDriver-method, summary,PostgreSQLObject-method, summary,PostgreSQLResult-method, summary-methods
● 0 images

dbListTables-methods (Package: RPostgreSQL) :

These methods are straight-forward implementations of the corresponding generic functions.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: database, interface, methods
● Alias: dbListConnections,PostgreSQLDriver-method, dbListConnections-methods, dbListFields,PostgreSQLConnection,character-method, dbListFields,PostgreSQLResult,missing-method, dbListFields-methods, dbListResults,PostgreSQLConnection-method, dbListResults-methods, dbListTables,PostgreSQLConnection-method, dbListTables-methods
● 0 images

postgresqlDBApply (Package: RPostgreSQL) : Apply R/S-Plus functions to remote groups of DBMS rows (experimental)

Applies R/S-Plus functions to groups of remote DBMS rows without bringing an entire result set all at once. The result set is expected to be sorted by the grouping field.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: database, interface, programming
● Alias: postgresqlDBApply
● 0 images

postgresqlBuildTableDefinition (Package: RPostgreSQL) : Build the SQL CREATE TABLE definition as a string

Build the SQL CREATE TABLE definition as a string for the input data.frame
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: database, interface, methods
● Alias: postgresqlBuildTableDefinition
● 0 images

isPostgresqlIdCurrent (Package: RPostgreSQL) :

Support function that verifies that an object holding a reference to a foreign object is still valid for communicating with the RDBMS
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: database, interface
● Alias: isPostgresqlIdCurrent
● 0 images

PostgreSQLDriver-class (Package: RPostgreSQL) : Class PostgreSQLDriver

An PostgreSQL driver implementing the R/S-Plus database (DBI) API.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: classes, database, interface
● Alias: PostgreSQLDriver-class
● 0 images

S4R (Package: RPostgreSQL) : R compatibility with S version 4/Splus5+ support functions

These objects ease the task of porting functions into R from S Version 4 and S-Plus 5.0 and later. See the documentation there. May be obsolete in the future.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: internal
● Alias: ErrorClass, usingR
● 0 images

dbObjectId-class (Package: RPostgreSQL) : Class dbObjectId

A helper (mixin) class to provide external references in an R/S-Plus portable way.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: classes, database, interface
● Alias: dbObjectId-class
● 0 images