Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Results 1 - 10 of 30 found.
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AgEdge-class (Package: Rgraphviz) : Class "AgEdge": A class to describe an edge for a Ragraph object

This class is used to represent edges for the Ragraph class. One can retrieve various pieces of information as well as draw them.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: classes
● Alias: AgEdge, AgEdge-class, AgEdge<-, arrowhead, arrowhead,AgEdge-method, arrowsize, arrowsize,AgEdge-method, arrowtail, arrowtail,AgEdge-method, color,AgEdge-method, ep, ep,AgEdge-method, getSpline, getSpline,AgEdge-method, head, head,AgEdge-method, lines,AgEdge-method, numSplines, numSplines,AgEdge-method, show,AgEdge-method, sp, sp,AgEdge-method, splines, splines,AgEdge-method, tail, tail,AgEdge-method, txtLabel, txtLabel,AgEdge-method
● 0 images

AgNode-class (Package: Rgraphviz) : Class "AgNode": A class to describe a node for a Ragraph object

This class is used to represent nodes for the Ragraph class. One can retrieve various pieces of information as well as draw them.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: classes
● Alias: AgNode, AgNode-class, AgNode<-, color, color,AgNode-method, drawAgNode, fillcolor, fillcolor,AgNode-method, getNodeCenter, getNodeCenter,AgNode-method, getNodeHeight, getNodeHeight,AgNode-method, getNodeLW, getNodeLW,AgNode-method, getNodeRW, getNodeRW,AgNode-method, getNodeXY,AgNode-method, getRadiusDiv, name, name,AgNode-method, shape, shape,AgNode-method, style, style,AgNode-method, txtLabel,AgNode-method
● 0 images

AgTextLabel-class (Package: Rgraphviz) : Class "AgTextLabel": Represents a graphviz text label

This class is used to represent the textlabel object in C from the Graphviz library
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: classes
● Alias: AgTextLabel-class, drawTxtLabel, labelColor, labelColor,AgTextLabel-method, labelFontsize, labelFontsize,AgTextLabel-method, labelJust, labelJust,AgTextLabel-method, labelLoc, labelLoc,AgTextLabel-method, labelText, labelText,AgTextLabel-method, labelWidth, labelWidth,AgTextLabel-method
● 0 images

BezierCurve-class (Package: Rgraphviz) : Class "BezierCurve": A class to describe a Bezier curve

This class is used to represent a Bezier curve in R, which can then be used for other applications, plotted, etc
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: classes
● Alias: BezierCurve, BezierCurve-class, bLines, bLines,BezierCurve-method, bezierPoints, bezierPoints,BezierCurve-method, cPoints, cPoints,BezierCurve-method, lines,BezierCurve-method, pointList, pointList,BezierCurve-method, show,BezierCurve-method
● 0 images

GraphvizAttributes (Package: Rgraphviz) : Graph Attributes for Rgraphviz

The following describes the allowable attributes to be used with Rgraphviz. Most of these are sent directly to Graphviz and will influence the plot layout, some of these are only cosmetic and stay in R. Users are referred to the Graphviz web documentation which contains some more detailed information on these attributes (and is our source).
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: graphs
● Alias: GraphvizAttributes, edgeAttributes, graphAttributes, graphviz, nodeAttributes
● 0 images

GraphvizLayouts (Package: Rgraphviz) : Graphviz Layout Methods

The following describes the different layout methods that can be used within Rgraphviz. Each layout method has its own particular advantages and disadvantages and can have its own quirks. Currently Rgraphviz supports three different layout methods: dot, twopi and neato.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: graphs
● Alias: GraphvizLayouts, circo, dot, fdp, neato, twopi
● 0 images

Ragraph-class (Package: Rgraphviz) : Class "Ragraph": A class to handle libgraph representations

Class Ragraph is used to handle libgraph representations of R graph objects.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: classes
● Alias: Ragraph, Ragraph-class, agraph, boundBox, edgeNames,Ragraph-method, edgemode, laidout, layoutType, show,Ragraph-method
● 0 images

agopen (Package: Rgraphviz) : A function to obtain a libgraph object

This function will read in a graph object and create a Ragraph object, returning it for use in other functions. The graph represented by the Ragraph can be laidout in various formats.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: graphs
● Alias: agopen
● 0 images

agopenSimple (Package: Rgraphviz) : A function to obtain a Ragraph object

This function will read in a graphNEL object and create a Ragraph object, returning it for use in other functions. The graph represented by the Ragraph can be laidout in various formats.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: graphs
● Alias: agopenSimple
1 images

agwrite (Package: Rgraphviz) : Read / write Ragraph objects

These functions will write an Ragraph object to or from a file.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: graphs
● Alias: agread, agwrite
1 images