Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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summary (Package: clere) :

This function summarizes the output of function fitClere.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: Clere, method, methods, summary
● Alias: summary, summary,Clere-method, summary-methods
● 0 images

fitClere (Package: clere) : fitClere function

This function runs the CLERE Model. It returns an object of class Clere. For more details please refer to clere.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: Clere, fitClere, function
● Alias: fitClere
● 0 images

plot-methods (Package: clere) :

Graphical summary for MCEM/SEM-Gibbs estimation. This function represents the course of the model parameters in view of the iterations of the estimation algorithms implemented in fitClere.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: Clere, method, methods, plot
● Alias: plot, plot,Clere,ANY-method, plot,Clere-method, plot-methods
● 0 images

clere-package (Package: clere) :

The methodology consists in creating clusters of variables involved in a high dimensional linear regression model so as to reduce the dimensionality. A model-based approach is proposed and fitted using a Stochastic EM-Gibbs algorithm (SEM-Gibbs).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: Clere, clere-package, package
● Alias: clere, clere-package
● 0 images

fitPacs (Package: clere) : fitPacs function

This function implements the PACS (Pairwise Absolute Clustering and Sparsity) methodology of Sharma DB et al. (2013). This methodology proposes to estimate the regression coefficients by solving a penalized least squares problem. It imposes a constraint on Beta (the vector of regression coefficients) that is a weighted combination of the L1 norm and the pairwise L-infinity norm. Upper-bounding the pairwise L-infinity norm enforces the covariates to have close coefficients. When the constraint is strong enough, closeness translates into equality achieving thus a grouping property. For PACS, no software was available. Only an R script was released on Bondell's webpage ( Since this R script was running very slowly, we decided to reimplement it in C++ and interfaced it with the present R package clere. This corresponds to the option type=1 in Bondell's script.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: Clere, fitClere, fitPacs, function
● Alias: fitPacs
● 0 images

Pacs-class (Package: clere) :

This class contains all the input parameters to run CLERE.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: Clere, Pacs, class, method, methods
● Alias: Pacs-class
● 0 images

Clere-class (Package: clere) :

This class contains all the input parameters to run CLERE.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: Clere, class, method, methods
● Alias: Clere-class, [,Clere-method, [<-,Clere-method, show,Clere-method
● 0 images

clusters (Package: clere) :

This function makes returns the estimated clustering of variables.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: Clere, clusters, method, methods
● Alias: clusters, clusters,Clere-method, clusters-methods
● 0 images

predict (Package: clere) :

This function makes prediction using a fitted model and a new matrix of design. It returns a vector of predicted values of size equal to the number of rows of matrix newx.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: Clere, method, methods, summary
● Alias: predict, predict,Clere-method, predict-methods
● 0 images