Last data update: 2014.03.03

Data Source

R Release (3.2.3)

Data Type

Data set


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mem-package (Package: mem) :

This package creates the model described in the Moving Epidemics Method (MEM), used to monitor influenza activity during the seasonal surveillance.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: package
● Alias: mem, mem-package
● 0 images

epitiming (Package: mem) :

Function epitiming is used to find the optimal timing of an influenza epidemic in a set of weekly influenza surveillance rates. It provides the start and the end of the epidemic, also it returns a list of pre-epidemic and post-epidemic rates that can be used to calculate influenza baselines and thresholds.
The method to calculate the optimal timing of an epidemic is described as part of the Moving Epidemics Method (MEM), used to monitor influenza activity in a weekly surveillance system.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: influenza
● Alias: epitiming, plot.epidemic, print.epidemic, summary.epidemic
● 0 images

memtrend (Package: mem) :

Function memtrend is used to calculate the two parameters for defining the current influenza trend.
This method is based on the Moving Epidemics Method (MEM) used to monitor influenza activity in a weekly surveillance system.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: influenza
● Alias: memtrend
● 0 images

mem-internal (Package: mem) :

These are internal functions used by the mem package and for use of the program, it cant be used by the user since they have not been designed for general use.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias:, calcular.optimo, calcular.optimo.criterio, calcular.optimo.derivada, calcular.optimo.original, calcular.optimo.pendiente, calcular.optimo.varadhan,,,, extraer.datos.pre.epi, fill.missing, iconfianza, iconfianza.aritmetica, iconfianza.completo, iconfianza.geometrica, iconfianza.logx, iconfianza.percentil.boot, iconfianza.percentil.kc, iconfianza.x, influenza, localizar.epidemia,, max.n.valores,, min.n.valores, missings.inside, normalizar,, semana.absoluta, suavizado
● 0 images

memintensity (Package: mem) :

Function memintensity is used to calculate the thresholds for influenza activity using historical records (surveillance rates).
This method is based on the Moving Epidemics Method (MEM) used to monitor influenza activity in a weekly surveillance system.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: influenza
● Alias: memintensity
● 0 images

epimem (Package: mem) :

Function epimem is used to calculate the threshold for influenza epidemic using historical records (surveillance rates).
The method to calculate the threshold is described in the Moving Epidemics Method (MEM) used to monitor influenza activity in a weekly surveillance system.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: influenza
● Alias: epimem, plot.flu, print.flu, summary.flu
● 0 images