Last data update: 2014.03.03


Encoding: UTF-8
Package: fSRM
Type: Package
Title: Social Relations Analyses with Roles ("Family SRM")
Version: 0.6.4
Date: 2016-01-22
Author: Felix Schönbrodt, Lara Stas, Tom Loeys
Maintainer: Felix Schönbrodt <>
Description: Social Relations Analysis with roles ("Family SRM") are computed,
using a structural equation modeling approach. Groups ranging from three members
up to an unlimited number of members are supported and the mean structure can
be computed. Means and variances can be compared between different groups of
families and between roles.
Depends: lavaan
Imports: plyr, reshape2, ggplot2, scales, foreign, tcltk, tcltk2,
gridExtra, methods
License: GPL (>= 2)
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-01-23 07:46:06 UTC; Felix
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-01-23 23:01:14

● 0 images, 8 functions, 5 datasets
● Reverse Depends: 0

Install log

* installing to library '/home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library'
ERROR: dependency 'tcltk2' is not available for package 'fSRM'
* removing '/home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/fSRM'