Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Human gene expression dataset
geneExpressionR Documentation

Human gene expression dataset


This dataset contains human gene expression of 100 transcripts (with unique Illumina TargetID) measured on 60 unrelated individuals.


 data( geneExpression ) 


The format is a matrix with 60 rows (number of individuals) and 100 column (number of transcripts).


The genotypes of those 60 unrelated individuals are available from the Sanger Institute website at


  data( geneExpression )
  dim( geneExpression )
  head( geneExpression )
  boxplot( geneExpression )


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
Copyright (C) 2016 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
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> library(BDgraph)
Loading required package: Matrix
Loading required package: igraph

Attaching package: 'igraph'

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    decompose, spectrum

The following object is masked from 'package:base':


Attaching package: 'BDgraph'

The following object is masked from 'package:igraph':


> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/BDgraph/geneExpression.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: geneExpression
> ### Title: Human gene expression dataset
> ### Aliases: geneExpression
> ### Keywords: datasets
> ### ** Examples
>   data( geneExpression )
>   dim( geneExpression )
[1]  60 100
>   head( geneExpression )
        GI_18426974-S GI_41197088-S GI_17981706-S GI_41190507-S GI_33356162-S
NA06985     14.217386      6.067900      6.112384      6.359560      6.077128
NA06993      6.045551      6.204508     13.011187      8.572267     12.405055
NA07022      6.340567      6.451339     13.081270      6.486416     12.442465
NA07034      6.113300      6.389877     13.360477     15.772347     12.256289
NA07055     13.830023      6.052565      6.102478     11.916794      6.006354
NA07056      6.296204     13.910456      5.992261     11.943072      6.072196
        Hs.449605-S GI_37546026-S Hs.512137-S GI_37546969-S Hs.449584-S
NA06985    6.235026      6.495667    6.614708      6.002133   15.385354
NA06993    8.998613     15.878857    9.556195      8.186877    6.155449
NA07022   14.079870     10.274196    8.559765     12.692369    6.364313
NA07034   13.304084      6.976274   12.388112      6.259136    6.161601
NA07055    9.694568     14.619690   15.106250     10.643040   10.609795
NA07056    7.015711     10.401141    8.430153      6.444004    6.048816
        Hs.406489-S GI_18641371-S Hs.449609-S hmm3574-S hmm10298-S Hs.449602-S
NA06985    6.518171      9.452326    6.340986  6.599867   6.277623   15.465953
NA06993    8.749026      6.054201    6.375260  9.870416   6.281537   15.268148
NA07022   13.667397      6.126122    6.371988 13.654273   6.267339   14.150072
NA07034   14.397371      6.045013    6.330585 14.489313   6.295682    9.112474
NA07055   15.025161     12.298217   10.911179 14.453883  12.366247   13.529457
NA07056   12.360866     12.828560    6.325901 14.252676   6.258263    7.875596
        GI_11095446-S Hs.512124-S GI_37542230-S hmm3577-S GI_21389378-S
NA06985      6.116529    7.666060     11.933090 12.664687      6.715358
NA06993     10.466807    6.611145      6.931394 10.745470      6.640868
NA07022     10.636595    8.649914      6.878124  9.180318      6.095078
NA07034     10.796708   10.153779      6.049451 10.253542      6.212369
NA07055      6.113972   11.984752     10.514878  9.806055      8.079201
NA07056      6.136637   10.114414      6.244739  7.270778      6.220278
        GI_27754767-I GI_13514808-S GI_13027804-S GI_4504410-S GI_11993934-S
NA06985      6.142264      6.002929      6.449327    11.008185     11.861785
NA06993      6.142978      9.169234      6.084432     8.933767     10.878089
NA07022      6.885856      9.691269      7.371567     9.749358     10.410237
NA07034      9.186080      9.848503      9.548334     9.714124     11.524231
NA07055      8.260113      6.050607      6.872978    10.037436      9.853503
NA07056      6.681703      6.149593      6.448442     8.397811     12.291355
        GI_33356559-S GI_37537697-S hmm10289-S GI_42660576-S GI_34915989-S
NA06985      6.051431      6.101434   6.033571     11.133182      6.573969
NA06993      9.806760      6.275033   5.994174     12.178901      8.786541
NA07022      9.376034      6.481491   6.066404      8.258930      8.244064
NA07034     10.199684      7.199312   6.038301     11.684013      6.857114
NA07055      6.053077      9.297223   9.346395     12.390965      9.788898
NA07056      6.088241      7.029058   6.039342      8.031635      9.992067
        GI_31377723-S GI_28416938-S GI_42656398-S Hs.449572-S GI_23065546-A
NA06985     10.331070      6.647075      6.262386    6.038021      8.730239
NA06993      6.069688      7.258281     10.660984    5.892678     10.650452
NA07022      7.447466      6.471603      8.881737    6.050346      6.363275
NA07034     11.166733      6.572627      6.275375    5.958535      8.947312
NA07055      6.258016      8.863421      7.946390    5.992064      9.273321
NA07056      9.010151      9.742337      6.718003    5.939967      6.262009
        GI_42662536-S GI_41190543-S GI_23510363-A GI_7661757-S GI_27482629-S
NA06985      10.68080      6.286885     10.323044     7.903430      9.625078
NA06993      12.39562      6.191921      7.336168     6.389131     10.454333
NA07022      11.92632      6.197679      9.654852     9.217750      7.362364
NA07034      11.64127      6.195456      7.411884     9.454041      6.760575
NA07055      12.71563      7.086193      8.024540     9.791387      9.682922
NA07056      12.41214      6.247441     12.555376    10.672171     11.140415
        GI_16554578-S GI_34222299-S GI_31652245-I GI_27754767-A GI_8923472-S
NA06985      6.367575      6.232637     10.718266      6.816593     9.043663
NA06993      9.088634      6.327694      9.147815      7.233127     8.206693
NA07022      8.034115      7.000298      9.224722      7.265076     8.110170
NA07034      7.173589      7.647583      9.904603      8.405899     8.777203
NA07055      8.928526      8.259142      7.578196      7.991070     9.313564
NA07056      7.150524      7.179354     10.115077      7.033406    10.490303
        GI_20070269-S GI_30795192-A GI_31077201-S GI_27894333-A GI_24308084-S
NA06985      6.838115     10.893900      7.173871     10.971897      8.183257
NA06993      7.389991      7.352260      8.342420      8.426763      6.424604
NA07022     11.541104      8.914293      9.454389     10.351850     10.560182
NA07034      8.095882     10.368165      7.982739      9.180363      9.934667
NA07055      7.032463     10.057619     10.527335      7.981261      6.467115
NA07056      6.716313     11.919758      6.461353     10.532137      9.491945
        GI_19743804-A GI_28610153-S GI_27764881-S GI_4507820-S GI_21464138-A
NA06985     11.679224      7.820372      7.379566     9.615468      6.636347
NA06993      9.899477      8.209664     10.915709     8.931372      6.498436
NA07022     10.567220     12.504921      8.779352     9.520104      6.922206
NA07034      9.579746      8.470346      8.500027     9.446183      6.787108
NA07055      6.905711      9.861925      7.828294     9.708509      7.596337
NA07056     11.644139      6.983909      9.597924     8.392226      7.007652
        GI_14211892-S GI_27894329-S Hs.185140-S GI_4505888-A GI_34222336-S
NA06985      5.907242      9.239151   10.270641     6.451152      8.328979
NA06993      8.596395      9.704446    8.781431     7.094791      9.301214
NA07022      8.139170     10.064540    9.205168     7.355334      7.937497
NA07034      9.004705      5.955992   11.550050     6.559314      9.422443
NA07055      5.778000      7.562999    9.850235     6.495761      7.699838
NA07056      5.811388      6.542503    9.736456     6.137161      5.996429
        GI_27477086-S GI_4504436-S GI_21614524-S GI_24497529-I GI_19224662-S
NA06985     12.206635     8.312894      5.967512      9.209433      8.236927
NA06993      8.549541    12.560423      5.846592      7.714160      6.756567
NA07022     10.796929    11.759544      6.017991      9.530968     10.790772
NA07034     11.192633     8.508227      8.077724      9.493507      7.511250
NA07055      9.105048    12.495050      6.327879      9.327932      6.951202
NA07056     11.744588    12.436449      5.915521     11.832736     10.489688
        GI_22027487-S GI_9961355-S GI_21389558-S GI_24797066-S GI_38569448-S
NA06985      6.262417     8.659825     10.372786      12.80208      6.588299
NA06993      6.196549     6.786395      9.532960      13.59983      6.617922
NA07022      7.048737     6.616977     10.537650      13.32858      9.353859
NA07034      8.933853     9.567716      8.211047      11.30770      8.154228
NA07055      8.053883     8.523736      6.995802      12.32670      6.900355
NA07056      6.739915     8.897417      8.648624      13.35804      6.799522
        GI_28557780-S GI_20302136-S GI_16159362-S Hs.171273-S Hs.136376-S
NA06985     10.362205      7.286697     10.435591    7.117648    8.238493
NA06993      9.144360      5.991826      9.350000    7.853225    8.017228
NA07022     10.090459      7.215271     10.361170    6.299735    8.678803
NA07034      7.627324      8.787800     10.197867    7.769253    5.884539
NA07055      9.681735      8.561113      8.235112    8.662411    7.565770
NA07056     10.836350      9.442783     10.639858    6.356955    9.958592
        GI_4502630-S GI_4504700-S GI_7657043-S GI_42476191-S GI_37546229-S
NA06985     6.224428     7.381016    10.894175      9.113407      8.003986
NA06993     6.709736     6.807193     9.630456      6.435561      7.480815
NA07022     7.707781    11.711598    10.029091      9.407614      8.308221
NA07034     8.316728     8.358010     8.136511     12.006668     10.158762
NA07055     8.056547     8.233972     8.024185      8.630324     10.015082
NA07056     8.655022     8.503500    11.746903      8.522385     10.680299
        GI_7662241-S GI_13325059-S GI_4505948-S GI_41350202-S GI_20373176-S
NA06985     8.516512      12.41701     9.378154      7.643696      10.34031
NA06993    10.654860      11.67822     9.111609      6.130718      13.13113
NA07022     8.443134      13.37379     9.272923      6.899104      13.00057
NA07034     7.101746      11.81845     8.873637      7.882231      13.17655
NA07055     9.437461      10.85593     8.645195      7.333776      10.76641
NA07056    10.189792      10.45810     6.406581      7.287958      10.66117
        hmm9615-S GI_21389548-S hmm3587-S GI_7019408-S GI_37537705-I
NA06985  6.607248      6.048586  6.142014     8.723610      8.572791
NA06993  7.494765      6.094879  7.051650     8.783152      8.628778
NA07022  8.052012      7.733864  6.335639     9.385829      9.327698
NA07034  8.695023      6.093883  6.113494     9.990576     10.154575
NA07055 10.067599      8.184557  7.339119     9.398706      6.704856
NA07056  6.660767      7.881586  9.288706     7.740208      9.946342
        GI_31341400-S GI_18641372-S GI_30409981-S GI_5454143-S GI_40354211-S
NA06985      6.025538     10.650607      8.210023     9.522827      9.848712
NA06993     10.486811     12.134475      6.288697     6.472885      8.352920
NA07022      8.762428     12.689859      7.826410     9.727653      8.669844
NA07034      6.786497     12.278483     10.178358    10.654253     10.854112
NA07055      9.241983      9.872943      7.494946     6.797961      9.157461
NA07056      8.775530     13.580592      7.619963     9.426115      9.158745
        GI_18379361-A GI_20143949-A GI_4507426-S GI_14602456-I
NA06985      6.228171      7.287604     6.531866      6.751506
NA06993      6.526821     10.512019     7.908867      6.525898
NA07022      8.524000      9.381383     7.805227      6.633137
NA07034      6.738020     10.018635     9.633990      8.116134
NA07055      7.474101      7.723132     9.114611      7.838307
NA07056      6.077063     10.972987     8.564225      6.736361
>   boxplot( geneExpression )
null device 