Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Variation in oven-dried biomass of shrubs
mrbp1R Documentation

Variation in oven-dried biomass of shrubs


The data (Mielke and Iyer 1982) are from a mine reclamation study comparing oven-dried biomass (gm) of 3 species of shrubs in 6 treatments and 3 blocks (different plots).




A data frame with 18 observations on the following 5 variables.


an indicator of the treatment group: 1 = no fertilizer, 2 = low fertilizer, 3 = high fertilizer, 4 = mulch and no fertilizer, 5 = mulch and low fertilizer, and 6 = mulch and high fertilizer.


The blocking indicator for the three plots.


Dried biomass for species 1.


Dried biomass for species 2.


Dried biomass for species 3.


Mielke, P.W. and H.K. Iyer. 1982. Permutation techniques for analyzing multi-response data from randomized block experiments. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 11, 1427–1437.



par(mfrow = c(2,1),mar = c(4,4,2,2))
plot(rep(mrbp1$trtmt,times = 3)+rep(c(-.3,0,.3),each = 18),c(mrbp1$spp1,mrbp1$spp2,
    mrbp1$spp3),col = rep(c("blue","red","black"),each = nrow(mrbp1)),
    pch = rep(c(19,16,17),each = nrow(mrbp1)),
    xlab = "Treatment Group Indicator",cex = 1.5,ylab = "Dried Biomass",
    main = "Dried Biomass for each species and treatment group")
abline(v = seq(from = 1.5,to = 5.5,by = 1),lty = "dashed",col = "grey")
legend(x = .65, y = 23, legend = c("Species 1","Species 2","Species 3"), 
    col = c("blue","red","black"),
    pch = c(19,16,17),bg = "white")

par(mar = c(5,4,3,2))
plot(rep(mrbp1$block,times = 3)+rep(c(-.3,0,.3),each = 18),
    c(mrbp1$spp1,mrbp1$spp2,mrbp1$spp3),col = rep(c("blue","red","black"),
    each = nrow(mrbp1)),pch = rep(c(19,16,17),each = nrow(mrbp1)),
    xlab = "Block Indicator",cex = 1.5,ylab = "Dried Biomass",
    main = "Dried Biomass for each species and block",xaxp = c(1,3,2))
abline(v = seq(from = 1.5,to = 5.5,by = 1),lty = "dashed",col = "grey")
legend(x = .8, y = 24, legend = c("Species 1","Species 2","Species 3"), 
     col = c("blue","red","black"),
     pch = c(19,16,17),bg = "white")


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> library(Blossom)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Blossom/mrbp1.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: mrbp1
> ### Title: Variation in oven-dried biomass of shrubs
> ### Aliases: mrbp1
> ### Keywords: datasets
> ### ** Examples
> str(mrbp1)
'data.frame':	18 obs. of  5 variables:
 $ trtmt: int  1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 ...
 $ block: int  1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 ...
 $ spp1 : num  0.33 2.5 1 6.67 18.67 ...
 $ spp2 : num  1 0.83 0.5 5 0.17 0.5 8.5 1.67 3.33 8 ...
 $ spp3 : num  2.17 4.33 2.33 2 2.83 2 2.17 2.17 2 1.33 ...
> par(mfrow = c(2,1),mar = c(4,4,2,2))
> plot(rep(mrbp1$trtmt,times = 3)+rep(c(-.3,0,.3),each = 18),c(mrbp1$spp1,mrbp1$spp2,
+     mrbp1$spp3),col = rep(c("blue","red","black"),each = nrow(mrbp1)),
+     pch = rep(c(19,16,17),each = nrow(mrbp1)),
+     xlab = "Treatment Group Indicator",cex = 1.5,ylab = "Dried Biomass",
+     main = "Dried Biomass for each species and treatment group")
> abline(v = seq(from = 1.5,to = 5.5,by = 1),lty = "dashed",col = "grey")
> legend(x = .65, y = 23, legend = c("Species 1","Species 2","Species 3"), 
+     col = c("blue","red","black"),
+     pch = c(19,16,17),bg = "white")
> par(mar = c(5,4,3,2))
> plot(rep(mrbp1$block,times = 3)+rep(c(-.3,0,.3),each = 18),
+     c(mrbp1$spp1,mrbp1$spp2,mrbp1$spp3),col = rep(c("blue","red","black"),
+     each = nrow(mrbp1)),pch = rep(c(19,16,17),each = nrow(mrbp1)),
+     xlab = "Block Indicator",cex = 1.5,ylab = "Dried Biomass",
+     main = "Dried Biomass for each species and block",xaxp = c(1,3,2))
> abline(v = seq(from = 1.5,to = 5.5,by = 1),lty = "dashed",col = "grey")
> legend(x = .8, y = 24, legend = c("Species 1","Species 2","Species 3"), 
+      col = c("blue","red","black"),
+      pch = c(19,16,17),bg = "white")
null device 