Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Orientation of movements of newt
npofR Documentation

Orientation of movements of newt


An analysis of the orientation of movements of striped newts Notophtalmus peristriatus immigrating to and emigrating from Breezeway Pond, Florida in 1985 - 1990 (Dodd and Cade 1998) including the angular orientation of 585 females immigrating to and 564 emigrating from the pond that were captured in pitfall buckets inside and outside of a drift fence surrounding the pond.




A data frame with 1149 observations on the following 2 variables.


The angular orientation of each female newt.


This grouping variable has 1's for emigrating and 2's for immigrating females.


Dodd, C.K., and B.S. Cade. 1998. Movement patterns and the conservation of amphibians breeding in small, temporary wetlands. Conservation Biology 12, 331–339.


npof$ei <- factor(npof$ei,levels=c(1,2),labels=c("Immigrating","Emigrating"))
group.counts <-

par(mfrow = c(1,2),mar = c(8,0,6,0),pty = "s")
limit <- max(group.counts$Freq)

for(i in 1:2){
    freq <- group.counts$Freq[group.counts$ei==unique(group.counts$ei)[i]]
         c(-(limit+14),limit+14),type = "n",xaxt = "n",
         yaxt = "n",xlab = "",ylab = "",main =(unique(group.counts$ei)[i]))
    symbols(x = 0,y = 0,circles = limit+6,col = "blue",inches = FALSE,
           add = TRUE,lwd = 1.5)        
    angl <- as.numeric(as.character(
    segments(x0 = rep(0,times = 24),y0 = rep(0,times = 24),
         x1 = c(sin(angl*pi/180)*freq,0),y1 = c(cos(angl*pi/180)*freq,limit+4),
         col = c(rep("blue",times = 23),"black"),
         lwd = c(rep(2,times=23),1.5))
    text(x = c(limit+12,0,-limit-12,0),
         y = c(0,limit+12,0,-limit-10),labels = c("90","0","270","180"))
    text(x = rep(-7,times = 6),y = seq(from = 10,to = 70,by = 10),
        labels = seq(from = 10,to = 70,by = 10))
    segments(x0 = rep(-2,times = 6),y0 = seq(from = 10,to = 70,by = 10),
        x1 = rep(0,times = 6),y1 = seq(from = 10,to = 70,by = 10))                         


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> library(Blossom)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Blossom/npof.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: npof
> ### Title: Orientation of movements of newt
> ### Aliases: npof
> ### Keywords: datasets
> ### ** Examples
> str(npof)
'data.frame':	1149 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ angle: int  63 217 197 217 278 335 4 352 63 166 ...
 $ ei   : int  2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
> npof$ei <- factor(npof$ei,levels=c(1,2),labels=c("Immigrating","Emigrating"))
> group.counts <-
> par(mfrow = c(1,2),mar = c(8,0,6,0),pty = "s")
> limit <- max(group.counts$Freq)
> for(i in 1:2){
+     freq <- group.counts$Freq[group.counts$ei==unique(group.counts$ei)[i]]
+     plot(c(-(limit+14),limit+14),
+          c(-(limit+14),limit+14),type = "n",xaxt = "n",
+          yaxt = "n",xlab = "",ylab = "",main =(unique(group.counts$ei)[i]))
+     symbols(x = 0,y = 0,circles = limit+6,col = "blue",inches = FALSE,
+            add = TRUE,lwd = 1.5)        
+     angl <- as.numeric(as.character(
+             group.counts$angle[group.counts$ei==unique(group.counts$ei)[i]]))
+     segments(x0 = rep(0,times = 24),y0 = rep(0,times = 24),
+          x1 = c(sin(angl*pi/180)*freq,0),y1 = c(cos(angl*pi/180)*freq,limit+4),
+          col = c(rep("blue",times = 23),"black"),
+          lwd = c(rep(2,times=23),1.5))
+     text(x = c(limit+12,0,-limit-12,0),
+          y = c(0,limit+12,0,-limit-10),labels = c("90","0","270","180"))
+     text(x = rep(-7,times = 6),y = seq(from = 10,to = 70,by = 10),
+         labels = seq(from = 10,to = 70,by = 10))
+     segments(x0 = rep(-2,times = 6),y0 = seq(from = 10,to = 70,by = 10),
+         x1 = rep(0,times = 6),y1 = seq(from = 10,to = 70,by = 10))                         
+ }
null device 
Error in : cannot shut down device 1 (the null device)
Execution halted