Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Paid data (BDCL example)
XtriangleBDCLR Documentation

Paid data (BDCL example)


Real motor data from a major insurer. It is a run-off (incremental) triangle consisting of the aggregated payments during 19 years. These data were used in the empirical illustration provided by Martinez-Miranda, Nielsen and Verrall (2013).




Matrix with dimension 19 by 19: 19 undewriting years and 19 development years.


Martinez-Miranda, M.D., Nielsen, J.P. and Verrall, R. (2013) Double Chain Ladder and Bornhuetter-Fergusson. North American Actuarial Journal, 17(2), 101-113.



# Classical chain ladder method


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(DCL)
Loading required package: lattice
Loading required package: latticeExtra
Loading required package: RColorBrewer
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/DCL/XtriangleBDCL.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: XtriangleBDCL
> ### Title: Paid data (BDCL example)
> ### Aliases: XtriangleBDCL
> ### Keywords: datasets
> ### ** Examples
> data(XtriangleBDCL)
> Plot.triangle(XtriangleBDCL)
> # Classical chain ladder method
> clm(XtriangleBDCL)
             V1       V2         V3         V4         V5        V6         V7
 [1,]  125121.2   688995   612973.7   557602.6   426181.6  189655.2   86350.97
 [2,]  245098.7  1349666  1200748.2  1092282.3   834842.9  371513.6  169152.06
 [3,]  358431.7  1973747  1755970.7  1597350.4  1220871.9  543300.4  247367.48
 [4,]  476871.0  2625947  2336209.8  2125175.4  1624294.1  722827.4  329107.05
 [5,]  737493.1  4061094  3613007.2  3286637.2  2512011.7 1117870.8  508972.33
 [6,]  905736.4  4987546  4437238.0  4036413.6  3085073.7 1372889.3  625083.54
 [7,] 1320504.3  7271515  6469202.1  5884826.4  4497835.2 2001582.6  911330.83
 [8,] 1598988.5  8805022  7833506.9  7125890.9  5446393.9 2423700.9 1103523.46
 [9,] 1706637.5  9397804  8360883.5  7605628.6  5813062.5 2586872.1 1177816.17
[10,] 1672442.9  9209507  8193363.1  7453240.6  5696590.8 2535041.0 1154217.20
[11,] 1758663.4  9684291  8615760.5  7837482.0  5990270.6 2665731.5 1213721.26
[12,] 1618476.7  8912336  7928980.4  7212740.1  5512773.8 2453240.6 1116973.03
[13,] 1408909.5  7758329  6902302.4  6278803.9  4798956.4 2135584.5  972342.62
[14,] 1766462.4  9727237  8653968.2  7872238.3  6016835.2 2677553.0 1219103.66
[15,] 1943769.5 10703600  9522602.7  8662407.4  6620769.8 2946310.1 1341470.12
[16,] 2216071.8 12203065 10856622.1  9875922.2  7548272.1 3359058.1 1529396.40
[17,] 1942438.6 10696271  9516082.5  8656476.2  6616236.5 2944292.7 1340551.61
[18,] 2843966.6 15660642 13932703.0 12674134.7  9686975.5 4310802.9 1962730.72
[19,] 4664157.0 25683739 22849886.7 20785811.8 15886816.3 7069795.3 3218914.14
              V8        V9        V10        V11        V12        V13
 [1,]   40413.81  13570.30   9803.112   3671.692   6664.635   6073.573
 [2,]   79166.22  26582.72  19203.219   7192.441  13055.287  11897.462
 [3,]  115772.44  38874.49  28082.731  10518.205  19092.014  17398.814
 [4,]  154028.04  51720.10  37362.328  13993.817  25400.737  23148.040
 [5,]  238208.23  79986.43  57781.779  21641.790  39282.879  35799.026
 [6,]  292550.38  98233.63  70963.463  26578.905  48244.432  43965.812
 [7,]  426519.27 143218.20 103460.078  38750.301  70337.220  64099.273
 [8,]  516468.90 173421.81 125279.010  46922.440  85170.796  77617.314
 [9,]  551239.23 185097.12 133713.192  50081.408  90904.766  82842.759
[10,]  540194.48 181388.48 131034.087  49077.967  89083.379  81182.904
[11,]  568043.45 190739.71 137789.366  51608.113  93675.948  85368.175
[12,]  522763.54 175535.45 126805.891  47494.324  86208.845  78563.302
[13,]  455073.90 152806.38 110386.526  41344.557  75046.157  68390.592
[14,]  570562.52 191585.57 138400.411  51836.976  94091.366  85746.752
[15,]  627832.23 210815.80 152292.230  57040.067 103535.704  94353.507
[16,]  715785.12 240348.94 173626.818  65030.798 118040.000 107571.470
[17,]  627402.35 210671.45 152187.955  57001.011 103464.813  94288.902
[18,]  918593.40 308448.65 222821.690  83456.418 151485.079 138050.429
[19,] 1506509.91 505861.40 365431.630 136870.046 248438.289 226405.219
             V14       V15        V16 V17 V18 V19
 [1,]   8304.046  1845.507   2937.050   0   0   0
 [2,]  16266.714  3615.146   5753.358   0   0   0
 [3,]  23788.395  5286.778   8413.694   0   0   0
 [4,]  31648.980  7033.730  11193.897   0   0   0
 [5,]  48945.944 10877.840  17311.643   0   0   0
 [6,]  60111.920 13359.387  21260.927   0   0   0
 [7,]  87639.240 19477.111  30997.038   0   0   0
 [8,] 106121.678 23584.684  37534.073   0   0   0
 [9,] 113266.128 25172.480  40060.987   0   0   0
[10,] 110996.704 24668.119  39258.317   0   0   0
[11,] 116718.984 25939.849  41282.224   0   0   0
[12,] 107415.073 23872.130  37991.533   0   0   0
[13,]  93506.513 20781.065  33072.228   0   0   0
[14,] 117236.589 26054.883  41465.296   0   0   0
[15,] 129004.109 28670.119  45627.338   0   0   0
[16,] 147076.269 32686.510  52019.263   0   0   0
[17,] 128915.780 28650.488  45596.097   0   0   0
[18,] 188748.392 41947.802  66758.236   0   0   0
[19,] 309550.801 68795.159 109484.723   0   0   0

 [1]   2780164   5446036   7964267  10595962  16386922  20125249  29341294
 [8]  35529147  37921082  37161287  39077086  35962171  31305636  39250378
[15]  43190100  49240593  43160528  63192266 103636467

 [1] 0.0450049787 0.2478253026 0.2204811425 0.2005646499 0.1532936880
 [6] 0.0682172551 0.0310596668 0.0145364846 0.0048811139 0.0035260911
[11] 0.0013206746 0.0023972092 0.0021846096 0.0029868907 0.0006638123
[16] 0.0010564305 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000

      V2       V3       V4       V5       V6       V7       V8       V9 
6.506620 1.752931 1.390727 1.214734 1.078667 1.033205 1.015041 1.004976 
     V10      V11      V12      V13      V14      V15      V16      V17 
1.003577 1.001335 1.002420 1.002200 1.003001 1.000665 1.001058 1.000000 
     V18      V19 
1.000000 1.000000 

null device 