Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Paid data (adding prior knowledge example)
XtrianglePriorR Documentation

Paid data (adding prior knowledge example)


It is a run-off (incremental) triangle consisting of the aggregated payments during 19 years. These data were used in the empirical illustration provided by Martinez-Miranda, Nielsen, Verrall and Wuthrich (2013).




Matrix with dimension 14 by 14: 14 undewriting years and 14 development years.


Martinez-Miranda, M.D., Nielsen, J.P., Verrall, R. and Wuthrich, M.V. (2013) Double Chain Ladder, Claims Development Inflation and Zero Claims. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal. In press.



# Classical chain ladder method


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(DCL)
Loading required package: lattice
Loading required package: latticeExtra
Loading required package: RColorBrewer
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/DCL/XtrianglePrior.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: XtrianglePrior
> ### Title: Paid data (adding prior knowledge example)
> ### Aliases: XtrianglePrior
> ### Keywords: datasets
> ### ** Examples
> data(XtrianglePrior)
> Plot.triangle(XtrianglePrior)
> # Classical chain ladder method
> clm(XtrianglePrior)
           V1      V2        V3       V4       V5       V6        V7        V8
 [1,] 9335295 5252465  962548.8 583512.5 436572.6 261109.0 140493.28 153346.85
 [2,] 9773177 5498838 1007698.2 610882.8 457050.5 273356.6 147083.27 160539.75
 [3,] 9070098 5103253  935204.8 566936.1 424170.5 253691.4 136502.15 148990.58
 [4,] 8922876 5020419  920024.9 557733.8 417285.5 249573.6 134286.50 146572.23
 [5,] 9333793 5251619  962393.9 583418.6 436502.3 261067.0 140470.67 153322.17
 [6,] 8880397 4996518  915644.9 555078.6 415298.9 248385.5 133647.21 145874.44
 [7,] 8953178 5037468  923149.3 559627.9 418702.6 250421.2 134742.54 147069.98
 [8,] 7298583 4106517  752546.3 456205.6 341324.1 204142.0 109841.39 119890.66
 [9,] 7106407 3998390  732731.3 444193.5 332336.8 198766.8 106949.20 116733.86
[10,] 6214115 3496346  640728.4 388419.8 290608.1 173809.3  93520.49 102076.57
[11,] 5915776 3328486  609967.1 369771.8 276656.0 165464.7  89030.58  97175.88
[12,] 5824143 3276930  600519.0 364044.2 272370.8 162901.8  87651.54  95670.68
[13,] 6191887 3483840  638436.6 387030.5 289568.6 173187.6  93185.97 101711.45
[14,] 6110750 3438188  630070.6 381958.9 285774.2 170918.2  91964.88 100378.64
            V9       V10       V11       V12      V13 V14
 [1,] 164285.3 148960.46 125852.73 151963.32 2285.400   0
 [2,] 171991.3 155947.62 131756.00 159091.33 2392.600   0
 [3,] 159618.3 144728.80 122277.52 147646.35 2220.477   0
 [4,] 157027.4 142379.62 120292.76 145249.82 2184.435   0
 [5,] 164258.9 148936.49 125832.48 151938.86 2285.033   0
 [6,] 156279.9 141701.80 119720.08 144558.33 2174.036   0
 [7,] 157560.7 142863.14 120701.27 145743.08 2191.853   0
 [8,] 128442.6 116461.26  98395.02 118808.97 1786.787   0
 [9,] 125060.7 113394.77  95804.22 115680.66 1739.740   0
[10,] 109357.8  99156.74  83774.89 101155.62 1521.295   0
[11,] 104107.6  94396.23  79752.87  96299.14 1448.258   0
[12,] 102495.0  92934.08  78517.53  94807.52 1425.825   0
[13,] 108966.7  98802.06  83475.24 100793.79 1515.854   0
[14,] 107538.8  97507.38  82381.39  99473.01 1495.990   0

 [1] 17718690 18549805 17215338 16935906 17715838 16855279 16993420 13852944
 [9] 13488188 11794590 11228332 11054411 11752401 11598400

 [1] 0.5268614643 0.2964364084 0.0543239258 0.0329320333 0.0246391014
 [6] 0.0147363600 0.0079291006 0.0086545252 0.0092718645 0.0084069682
[11] 0.0071028238 0.0085764421 0.0001289825 0.0000000000

      V2       V3       V4       V5       V6       V7       V8       V9 
1.562646 1.065983 1.037524 1.027059 1.015758 1.008347 1.009035 1.009593 
     V10      V11      V12      V13      V14 
1.008616 1.007217 1.008652 1.000129 1.000000 

null device 