Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Population size in Denmark
N.dkR Documentation

Population size in Denmark


The population size at 1st January in ages 0-99.




A data frame with 7200 observations on the following 4 variables.


Sex, 1:males, 2:females


Age. 0:0, 1:1, ..., 98:98, 99:99+




Number of persons alive at 1st January year P





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> library(Epi)

Attaching package: 'Epi'

The following object is masked from 'package:base':

> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Epi/", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name:
> ### Title: Population size in Denmark
> ### Aliases:
> ### Keywords: datasets
> ### ** Examples
> data(
> str(
'data.frame':	8600 obs. of  4 variables:
 $ sex: num  1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ...
 $ A  : num  0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 ...
 $ P  : num  1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 ...
 $ N  : num  35839 34108 36302 34153 37855 ...
 - attr(*, "Contents")= chr "Population size as of 1 January in Denmark"
> with(,addmargins(tapply(N,list(P,sex),sum),2))
           1       2     Sum
1971 2459880 2490844 4950724
1972 2470257 2505518 4975775
1973 2484869 2522780 5007649
1974 2498227 2538075 5036302
1975 2504278 2550248 5054526
1976 2506903 2558526 5065429
1977 2512888 2567113 5080001
1978 2519900 2577178 5097078
1979 2525645 2586011 5111656
1980 2529111 2593078 5122189
1981 2528285 2595833 5124118
1982 2523888 2595397 5119285
1983 2521280 2595311 5116591
1984 2518002 2594253 5112255
1985 2517131 2594096 5111227
1986 2520624 2595769 5116393
1987 2526079 2598836 5124915
1988 2528051 2601317 5129368
1989 2528219 2601673 5129892
1990 2530653 2604872 5135525
1991 2536442 2610138 5146580
1992 2544511 2617733 5162244
1993 2554650 2626078 5180728
1994 2563497 2633256 5196753
1995 2573379 2642452 5215831
1996 2592277 2658860 5251137
1997 2604982 2670233 5275215
1998 2615716 2679242 5294958
1999 2625470 2688210 5313680
2000 2634169 2695950 5330119
2001 2644369 2704945 5349314
2002 2654198 2714262 5368460
2003 2662423 2721084 5383507
2004 2670135 2727505 5397640
2005 2677292 2734113 5411405
2006 2685846 2741613 5427459
2007 2696662 2750422 5447084
2008 2712666 2763125 5475791
2009 2732020 2779431 5511451
2010 2743286 2791452 5534738
2011 2756582 2804046 5560628
2012 2766776 2813740 5580516
2013 2778852 2823776 5602628
> with(subset(,P==max(P)),addmargins(tapply(N,list(A,sex),sum)))
          1       2     Sum
0     29991   28255   58246
1     30402   29316   59718
2     33032   31390   64422
3     32921   31085   64006
4     34325   32239   66564
5     33629   32014   65643
6     34197   32437   66634
7     33446   32230   65676
8     33628   32173   65801
9     33695   32071   65766
10    33498   31669   65167
11    33797   32476   66273
12    34841   33387   68228
13    34455   33094   67549
14    34863   33040   67903
15    35710   33883   69593
16    36099   34179   70278
17    37455   35379   72834
18    37572   35919   73491
19    36981   35047   72028
20    37928   36018   73946
21    36674   35457   72131
22    36904   35693   72597
23    36187   35150   71337
24    35357   34257   69614
25    34078   32926   67004
26    33753   32701   66454
27    32718   32152   64870
28    31548   31056   62604
29    30650   30640   61290
30    31684   30969   62653
31    31250   31121   62371
32    33162   33060   66222
33    33751   33648   67399
34    34842   34576   69418
35    34598   34498   69096
36    36142   35679   71821
37    38717   39081   77798
38    38288   38333   76621
39    38383   38252   76635
40    39925   39996   79921
41    39916   39131   79047
42    38172   37693   75865
43    38172   37366   75538
44    39665   38507   78172
45    42267   41341   83608
46    45376   44261   89637
47    43814   42912   86726
48    42961   41671   84632
49    41768   40980   82748
50    39383   38708   78091
51    38174   37645   75819
52    38105   37500   75605
53    36328   36056   72384
54    36344   36127   72471
55    35939   35761   71700
56    36002   35963   71965
57    35446   35260   70706
58    34255   34805   69060
59    34821   35129   69950
60    33880   34380   68260
61    33298   33484   66782
62    33688   34725   68413
63    33238   34308   67546
64    34812   35668   70480
65    36693   37607   74300
66    37621   38275   75896
67    35774   36581   72355
68    33179   34665   67844
69    29795   31845   61640
70    27667   29417   57084
71    23947   25976   49923
72    22713   25017   47730
73    21019   23319   44338
74    20088   22831   42919
75    18412   21758   40170
76    17154   20165   37319
77    15525   18786   34311
78    14230   17761   31991
79    12849   16449   29298
80    11614   15687   27301
81    10685   14639   25324
82     9746   13779   23525
83     8813   12860   21673
84     8058   12289   20347
85     6796   11234   18030
86     6134   10557   16691
87     5144    9660   14804
88     4339    8801   13140
89     3456    7760   11216
90     2727    6324    9051
91     2298    5832    8130
92     1780    4960    6740
93     1164    3388    4552
94      873    2723    3596
95      544    2072    2616
96      406    1595    2001
97      261    1093    1354
98      178     804     982
99      270    1340    1610
Sum 2778852 2823776 5602628
null device 