Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Series A, Chemical Process Concentration Readings
SeriesAR Documentation

Series A, Chemical Process Concentration Readings


Chemical process concentration readings for every 2 hours.




ts object with attribute "title"


Box and Jenkins (1970) fit an ARMA(1,1) and ARIMA(0,1,1) to this series. Cleveland(1971) suggested a subset AR(1,2,7). McLeod and Zhang (2006) fit a subset ARz(1,2,6,7) parameterized with the partial autocorrelations.


Box and Jenkins (1970). Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control.


Cleveland, W.S. (1971) The inverse autocorrelations of a time series and their applications. Technometrics 14, 277-298.

McLeod, A.I. and Zhang, Y. (2006). Partial autocorrelation parameterization for subset autoregression. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 27, 599-612.


#fit subset models
FitAR(SeriesA, c(1,2,7), ARModel="ARp")
FitAR(SeriesA, c(1,2,6,7), ARModel="ARz")


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> library(FitAR)
Loading required package: lattice
Loading required package: leaps
Loading required package: ltsa
Loading required package: bestglm
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/FitAR/SeriesA.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: SeriesA
> ### Title: Series A, Chemical Process Concentration Readings
> ### Aliases: SeriesA
> ### Keywords: datasets
> ### ** Examples
> data(SeriesA)
> #fit subset models
> FitAR(SeriesA, c(1,2,7), ARModel="ARp")
Chemical process concentrations
AR(7). LS Fit.
length of series = 197 ,  number of parameters = 3
loglikelihood = 232.962 ,  AIC = -459.9 ,  BIC =  -450.1 , UBIC =  -443
> FitAR(SeriesA, c(1,2,6,7), ARModel="ARz")
Chemical process concentrations
AR(7). MLE.  Mean estimated using the sample mean
length of series = 197 ,  number of parameters = 5
loglikelihood = 231.694 ,  AIC = -453.4 ,  BIC =  -437 , UBIC =  -430.9
null device 