Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Goals scored by footballers in the first division of the...
goalsR Documentation

Goals scored by footballers in the first division of the Spanish league


The response variable goals, is the number of goals scored by the footballers (excluding goalkeepers) in the first division of the Spanish league from the 2000/2001 to the 2006/2007 seasons. Since there are footballers who played more than one season, the season in which each one has played more matches has been selected. The covariates considered are the final classification of the team in each season, the position in the field (forward, midfielder and defender) and the number of matches played.




A data frame with 1224 observations on the following 4 variables


  • clasif a numeric vector

  • position a factor with levels Defender Forward Midfielder

  • played a numeric vector

  • goals a numeric vector


MARCA sports paper


Rodriguez-Avi, J., Conde-Sanchez, A., Saez-Castillo, A. J., Olmo-Jimenez, M. J. and Martinez Rodriguez, A. M.(2009). A generalized Waring regression model for count data. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 53, pp. 3717-3725.
