Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Amino Acid Metric Solution (Atchley et al 2005)
AAMetric.AtchleyR Documentation

Amino Acid Metric Solution (Atchley et al 2005)


Atchley et al 2005 performed factor analysis on a set of Amino Acid Indices (AA54) and inferred a 5 factor latent variable structure relating amino acid characteristics using SAS. Based on the relationship between factors and variable descriptions, the latent variables are defined as Factor1 (PAH): Polarity, Accessibility, Hydrophobicity; Factor2 (PSS): Propensity for Secondary Structure; Factor3 (MS) : Molecular Size; Factor4 (CC): Codon Composition; Factor5 (EC): Electrostatic Charge. AAMetric.Atchley are scores from the factor analysis which convey the similarities and differences among amino acids (rows) for each latent variable (columns).


Rows are alphabetized Amino Acids and the 5 columns are factors where Factor1 (PAH): Polarity, Accessibility, Hydrophobicity; Factor2 (PSS): Propensity for Secondary Structure; Factor3 (MS) : Molecular Size; Factor4 (CC): Codon Composition; Factor5 (EC): Electrostatic Charge.


54 Amino Acid Indices were selected from to quantify physiochemical attributes. Using Factor Analysis on 5 factors, interpretable latent variables were determined to quantify Amino Acid attributes. These are the scores from the published factor analysis calculated by SAS. The proportion of common variation for each factor are 42.3


Atchley, W. R., Zhao, J., Fernandes, A. and Drueke, T. 2005. Solving the sequence "metric" problem: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102: 6395-6400.


Atchley, W. R . and Fernandes, A. 2005. Sequence signatures and the probabilistic identification of proteins in the Myc-Max-Mad network. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102: 6401-6406.

See Also



 plot(AAMetric.Atchley[,1], AAMetric.Atchley[,2], pch = AminoAcids) 

  cor(AAMetric, AAMetric.Atchley)


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> library(HDMD)
Loading required package: psych
Loading required package: MASS
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/HDMD/AAMetric.Atchley.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: AAMetric.Atchley
> ### Title: Amino Acid Metric Solution (Atchley et al 2005)
> ### Aliases: AAMetric.Atchley
> ### Keywords: datasets
> ### ** Examples
> data(AAMetric.Atchley)
Warning message:
In data(AAMetric.Atchley) : data set 'AAMetric.Atchley' not found
>  plot(AAMetric.Atchley[,1], AAMetric.Atchley[,2], pch = AminoAcids) 
>   cor(AAMetric, AAMetric.Atchley)
            pah           pss          ms          cc          ec
pah  0.99530421  0.0736871113 -0.12587574 -0.11889767  0.03117132
pss  0.05875309  0.9826834483 -0.08629297  0.06208317  0.04304136
ms  -0.31217404 -0.2978205891  0.37953125 -0.26553117  0.20126148
cc  -0.16603923  0.0340235286 -0.16418210  0.98779448 -0.12086778
ec  -0.04245232 -0.0001209467 -0.27474905  0.09063324 -0.66015554
null device 