Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Example De data sets for the package Luminescence
ExampleData.DeValuesR Documentation

Example De data sets for the package Luminescence


Equivalent dose (De) values measured for a fine grain quartz sample from a loess section in Rottewitz (Saxony/Germany) and for a coarse grain quartz sample from a fluvial deposit in the rock shelter of Cueva Anton (Murcia/Spain).


A list with two elements, each containing a two column data.frame:

$BT998: De and De error values for a fine grain quartz sample from a loess section in Rottewitz.

$CA1: Single grain De and De error values for a coarse grain quartz sample from a fluvial deposit in the rock shelter of Cueva Anton



Unpublished data


Burow, C., Kehl, M., Hilgers, A., Weniger, G.-C., Angelucci, D., Villaverde, V., Zapata, J. and Zilhao, J. (2015). Luminescence dating of fluvial deposits in the rock shelter of Cueva Anton, Spain. Geochronometria 52, 107-125.


Lab: Luminescence Laboratory Bayreuth
Lab-Code: BT998
Location: Rottewitz (Saxony/Germany)
Material: Fine grain quartz measured on aluminum discs on a Risoe TL/OSL DA-15 reader
Units: Values are given in seconds
Dose Rate: Dose rate of the beta-source at measurement ca. 0.0438 Gy/s +/- 0.0019 Gy/s
Measurement Date: 2012-01-27


Lab: Cologne Luminescence Laboratory (CLL)
Lab-Code: C-L2941
Location: Cueva Anton (Murcia/Spain)
Material: Coarse grain quartz (200-250 microns) measured on single grain discs on a Risoe TL/OSL DA-20 reader
Units: Values are given in Gray
Measurement Date: 2012


##(1) plot values as histogram
data(ExampleData.DeValues, envir = environment())
plot_Histogram(ExampleData.DeValues$BT998, xlab = "De [s]")

##(2) plot values as histogram (with second to gray conversion)
data(ExampleData.DeValues, envir = environment())

De.values <- Second2Gray(ExampleData.DeValues$BT998,
                         dose.rate = c(0.0438, 0.0019))

plot_Histogram(De.values, xlab = "De [Gy]")


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> library(Luminescence)
Welcome to the R package Luminescence version 0.6.0 [Built: 2016-05-30 16:47:30 UTC]
A trapped charge: 'I want to break free.'
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Luminescence/ExampleData.DeValues.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: ExampleData.DeValues
> ### Title: Example De data sets for the package Luminescence
> ### Aliases: ExampleData.DeValues
> ### Keywords: datasets
> ### ** Examples
> ##(1) plot values as histogram
> data(ExampleData.DeValues, envir = environment())
> plot_Histogram(ExampleData.DeValues$BT998, xlab = "De [s]")
> ##(2) plot values as histogram (with second to gray conversion)
> data(ExampleData.DeValues, envir = environment())
> De.values <- Second2Gray(ExampleData.DeValues$BT998,
+                          dose.rate = c(0.0438, 0.0019))
> plot_Histogram(De.values, xlab = "De [Gy]")
null device 