Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Hell Creek Dinosaur Data
HCDR Documentation

Hell Creek Dinosaur Data


Counts of dinosaur families found in three stratigraphic levels of the Cretaceous period in the Hell Creek formation in North Dakota. The eight families are the Ceratopsidae (Ce), Hadrosauridae (Ha), Hypsilophodontidae (Hy), Pachycephalosauridae (Pa), Tyrannosauridae (Ty), Ornithomimidae (Or), Sauronithoididae (Sa) and Dromiaeosauridae (Dr).




A data frame with 3 observations on the following 9 variables.


a factor with levels Lower, Middle, Upper, specifiyng the stratigraphic levels


a numeric vector, counts of the Ceratopsidae


a numeric vector, counts of the Hadrosauridae


a numeric vector, counts of the Hypsilophodontidae


a numeric vector, counts of the Pachycephalosauridae


a numeric vector, counts of the Tyrannosauridae


a numeric vector, counts of the Ornithomimidae


a numeric vector, counts of the Sauronithoididae


a numeric vector, counts of the Dromiaeosauridae


Table 1 in: Rogers, JA and Hsu, JC (2001): Multiple Comparisons of Biodiversity. Biometrical Journal 43, 617-625.


Sheehan, P.M., et al. (1991): Sudden extinction of the Dinosaurs: Latest Cretaceous, Upper Great Plains, U.S.A. Science 254, 835-839.





mosaicplot(mat, las=1)

estSimpsonf(X=HCD[,-c(1)], f=HCD$Level)

estShannonf(X=HCD[,-c(1)], f=HCD$Level)


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> library(MCPAN)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/MCPAN/HCD.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: HCD
> ### Title: Hell Creek Dinosaur Data
> ### Aliases: HCD
> ### Keywords: datasets
> ### ** Examples
> data(HCD)
> str(HCD)
'data.frame':	3 obs. of  9 variables:
 $ Level: Factor w/ 3 levels "Lower","Middle",..: 3 2 1
 $ Cr   : int  50 53 19
 $ Ha   : int  29 51 7
 $ Hy   : int  3 2 1
 $ Pa   : int  0 0 0
 $ Ty   : int  3 3 2
 $ Or   : int  4 8 0
 $ Sa   : int  1 6 3
 $ Dr   : int  0 0 0
   Level Cr Ha Hy Pa Ty Or Sa Dr
1  Upper 50 29  3  0  3  4  1  0
2 Middle 53 51  2  0  3  8  6  0
3  Lower 19  7  1  0  2  0  3  0
> mat<-as.matrix(HCD[,-c(1)])
> rownames(mat)<-HCD$Level
> mosaicplot(mat, las=1)
> estSimpsonf(X=HCD[,-c(1)], f=HCD$Level)
    Lower    Middle     Upper 
0.6048387 0.6401439 0.5897628 

       Lower       Middle        Upper 
0.0064696035 0.0006253136 0.0014393560 

       Cr Ha Hy Pa Ty Or Sa Dr
Lower  19  7  1  0  2  0  3  0
Middle 53 51  2  0  3  8  6  0
Upper  50 29  3  0  3  4  1  0

> estShannonf(X=HCD[,-c(1)], f=HCD$Level)
   Lower   Middle    Upper 
1.254866 1.238877 1.145481 

   Lower   Middle    Upper 
1.145491 1.210422 1.106592 

   Lower   Middle    Upper 
1.207991 1.230747 1.134370 

      Lower      Middle       Upper 
0.022987521 0.005728593 0.008974520 

       Cr Ha Hy Pa Ty Or Sa Dr
Lower  19  7  1  0  2  0  3  0
Middle 53 51  2  0  3  8  6  0
Upper  50 29  3  0  3  4  1  0

null device 