Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Reliability Data from an Industrial Context
ReliabilityDataR Documentation

Reliability Data from an Industrial Context


The data set contains 55 variables measured during the production process of 520 units. The problem for this data is to identify the produced items with a fault not detected by standard tests.


A data frame with 520 observations on 55 variables.


The data was anonymized to keep confidentiality.




R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(REPPlab)
Loading required package: rJava
Loading required package: lattice
Loading required package: LDRTools
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/REPPlab/ReliabilityData.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: ReliabilityData
> ### Title: Reliability Data from an Industrial Context
> ### Aliases: ReliabilityData
> ### Keywords: datasets
> ### ** Examples
> data(ReliabilityData)
> summary(ReliabilityData) 
       V1               V2               V3             V4        
 Min.   :-6.128   Min.   :-3.717   Min.   :5574   Min.   :-2.807  
 1st Qu.:-6.107   1st Qu.:-3.612   1st Qu.:5951   1st Qu.:-2.778  
 Median :-6.104   Median :-3.580   Median :6105   Median :-2.771  
 Mean   :-6.105   Mean   :-3.593   Mean   :6115   Mean   :-2.769  
 3rd Qu.:-6.102   3rd Qu.:-3.572   3rd Qu.:6267   3rd Qu.:-2.763  
 Max.   :-6.087   Max.   :-3.548   Max.   :6617   Max.   :-2.684  
       V5             V6               V7               V8        
 Min.   :4628   Min.   :-6.452   Min.   :-10.89   Min.   :-5.723  
 1st Qu.:4940   1st Qu.:-6.369   1st Qu.:-10.78   1st Qu.:-5.696  
 Median :5068   Median :-6.369   Median :-10.77   Median :-5.683  
 Mean   :5074   Mean   :-6.366   Mean   :-10.77   Mean   :-5.685  
 3rd Qu.:5203   3rd Qu.:-6.361   3rd Qu.:-10.75   3rd Qu.:-5.676  
 Max.   :5546   Max.   :-6.331   Max.   :-10.72   Max.   :-5.595  
       V9             V10            V11              V12            V13       
 Min.   :57.70   Min.   :4589   Min.   :-2.842   Min.   :4623   Min.   :48.83  
 1st Qu.:61.73   1st Qu.:4899   1st Qu.:-2.797   1st Qu.:4896   1st Qu.:52.16  
 Median :62.36   Median :5026   Median :-2.793   Median :5023   Median :52.80  
 Mean   :62.19   Mean   :5019   Mean   :-2.796   Mean   :5020   Mean   :52.58  
 3rd Qu.:62.93   3rd Qu.:5160   3rd Qu.:-2.789   3rd Qu.:5156   3rd Qu.:53.20  
 Max.   :64.18   Max.   :5500   Max.   :-2.770   Max.   :5445   Max.   :54.31  
      V14              V15             V16             V17      
 Min.   :-2.438   Min.   :61.05   Min.   :61.44   Min.   :4825  
 1st Qu.:-2.421   1st Qu.:65.27   1st Qu.:66.13   1st Qu.:5110  
 Median :-2.415   Median :65.97   Median :66.78   Median :5265  
 Mean   :-2.411   Mean   :65.75   Mean   :66.57   Mean   :5255  
 3rd Qu.:-2.409   3rd Qu.:66.53   3rd Qu.:67.37   3rd Qu.:5382  
 Max.   :-2.305   Max.   :67.86   Max.   :68.63   Max.   :5846  
      V18             V19            V20              V21        
 Min.   :50.63   Min.   :4801   Min.   :-1.796   Min.   :-2.631  
 1st Qu.:54.17   1st Qu.:5122   1st Qu.:-1.712   1st Qu.:-2.605  
 Median :54.63   Median :5299   Median :-1.707   Median :-2.598  
 Mean   :54.49   Mean   :5292   Mean   :-1.711   Mean   :-2.600  
 3rd Qu.:55.07   3rd Qu.:5439   3rd Qu.:-1.703   3rd Qu.:-2.592  
 Max.   :55.96   Max.   :5853   Max.   :-1.678   Max.   :-2.559  
      V22              V23              V24              V25       
 Min.   :-2.864   Min.   :-3.264   Min.   :-4.998   Min.   :47.22  
 1st Qu.:-2.864   1st Qu.:-3.233   1st Qu.:-4.998   1st Qu.:50.74  
 Median :-2.862   Median :-3.225   Median :-4.998   Median :51.32  
 Mean   :-2.857   Mean   :-3.227   Mean   :-4.996   Mean   :51.08  
 3rd Qu.:-2.857   3rd Qu.:-3.218   3rd Qu.:-4.998   3rd Qu.:51.66  
 Max.   :-2.724   Max.   :-3.156   Max.   :-4.907   Max.   :52.67  
      V26            V27             V28            V29             V30        
 Min.   :4888   Min.   :58.24   Min.   :4642   Min.   :46.02   Min.   :-2.361  
 1st Qu.:5217   1st Qu.:62.25   1st Qu.:4916   1st Qu.:49.50   1st Qu.:-2.329  
 Median :5353   Median :62.96   Median :5043   Median :50.05   Median :-2.321  
 Mean   :5351   Mean   :62.69   Mean   :5042   Mean   :49.84   Mean   :-2.323  
 3rd Qu.:5495   3rd Qu.:63.39   3rd Qu.:5177   3rd Qu.:50.42   3rd Qu.:-2.313  
 Max.   :5857   Max.   :64.59   Max.   :5518   Max.   :51.41   Max.   :-2.184  
      V31             V32            V33             V34        
 Min.   :55.79   Min.   :4323   Min.   :69.75   Min.   :-5.018  
 1st Qu.:59.68   1st Qu.:4615   1st Qu.:74.55   1st Qu.:-4.983  
 Median :60.35   Median :4734   Median :75.28   Median :-4.975  
 Mean   :60.16   Mean   :4729   Mean   :75.05   Mean   :-4.972  
 3rd Qu.:60.88   3rd Qu.:4860   3rd Qu.:75.89   3rd Qu.:-4.966  
 Max.   :62.13   Max.   :5330   Max.   :77.22   Max.   :-4.914  
      V35             V36              V37              V38        
 Min.   :47.29   Min.   :-3.572   Min.   :-7.506   Min.   :-2.636  
 1st Qu.:50.99   1st Qu.:-3.479   1st Qu.:-7.379   1st Qu.:-2.622  
 Median :51.60   Median :-3.449   Median :-7.362   Median :-2.615  
 Mean   :51.36   Mean   :-3.458   Mean   :-7.369   Mean   :-2.612  
 3rd Qu.:51.97   3rd Qu.:-3.426   3rd Qu.:-7.353   3rd Qu.:-2.608  
 Max.   :53.03   Max.   :-3.403   Max.   :-7.328   Max.   :-2.573  
      V39            V40            V41             V42              V43      
 Min.   :4404   Min.   :5622   Min.   :52.30   Min.   :-1.405   Min.   :4084  
 1st Qu.:4701   1st Qu.:6001   1st Qu.:55.79   1st Qu.:-1.368   1st Qu.:4359  
 Median :4823   Median :6156   Median :56.44   Median :-1.362   Median :4472  
 Mean   :4820   Mean   :6164   Mean   :56.21   Mean   :-1.363   Mean   :4471  
 3rd Qu.:4951   3rd Qu.:6319   3rd Qu.:56.85   3rd Qu.:-1.356   3rd Qu.:4591  
 Max.   :5327   Max.   :6736   Max.   :58.03   Max.   :-1.320   Max.   :4893  
      V44             V45            V46            V47              V48       
 Min.   :58.19   Min.   :4940   Min.   :5294   Min.   :-5.147   Min.   :52.84  
 1st Qu.:61.72   1st Qu.:5273   1st Qu.:5607   1st Qu.:-5.100   1st Qu.:56.41  
 Median :62.36   Median :5457   Median :5752   Median :-5.091   Median :57.02  
 Mean   :62.16   Mean   :5422   Mean   :5746   Mean   :-5.090   Mean   :56.83  
 3rd Qu.:62.82   3rd Qu.:5603   3rd Qu.:5905   3rd Qu.:-5.081   3rd Qu.:57.50  
 Max.   :64.01   Max.   :5920   Max.   :6294   Max.   :-5.025   Max.   :58.70  
      V49             V50            V51             V52              V53      
 Min.   :74.84   Min.   :4472   Min.   :55.92   Min.   :-2.513   Min.   :4812  
 1st Qu.:80.14   1st Qu.:4736   1st Qu.:59.61   1st Qu.:-2.482   1st Qu.:5014  
 Median :80.89   Median :4858   Median :60.17   Median :-2.475   Median :5187  
 Mean   :80.62   Mean   :4857   Mean   :59.99   Mean   :-2.474   Mean   :5182  
 3rd Qu.:81.48   3rd Qu.:4987   3rd Qu.:60.66   3rd Qu.:-2.467   3rd Qu.:5325  
 Max.   :82.80   Max.   :5316   Max.   :61.83   Max.   :-2.429   Max.   :5676  
      V54             V55       
 Min.   :1.728   Min.   :2.281  
 1st Qu.:3.440   1st Qu.:3.652  
 Median :3.961   Median :4.093  
 Mean   :3.970   Mean   :4.073  
 3rd Qu.:4.504   3rd Qu.:4.541  
 Max.   :6.539   Max.   :5.984  
null device 