Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: RnBeads Annotation Tables
RnBeads.dataR Documentation

RnBeads Annotation Tables


RnBeads uses sets of annotation tables and mappings (from regions to sites) for each of the supported genomes. The structures for one assembly are stored in a separate dedicated annotation package. The following annotation packages are available in Bioconductor:


for "hg19"


for "mm10"


for "mm9"


for "rn5"


list of four elements - "regions", "sites", "controls" and "mappings". These elements are described below.


list of NULLs; the names of the elements correspond to the built-in region annotation tables. Once the default annotations are loaded, the attribute "builtin" is a logical vector storing, for each region annotation, whether it is the default (built-in) or custom.


list of NULLs; the names of the elements correspond to the site and probe annotation tables.


list of NULLs; the names of the elements correspond to the control probe annotation tables. The attribute "sites" is a character vector pointing to the site annotation that encompasses the respective control probes.


list of NULLs; the names of the elements correspond to the built-in region annotation tables.


An assembly-specific scaffold is automatically loaded upon initialization of its annotation, that is, by the first valid call to any of the following functions: rnb.get.chromosomes, rnb.get.annotation, rnb.set.annotation, rnb.get.mapping, rnb.annotation.size. Adding an annotation amounts to attaching its table(s) and mapping structures to the scaffold.


Yassen Assenov
