Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Fictional Data Set, with Binary Outcomes
BHHR2009p92R Documentation

Fictional Data Set, with Binary Outcomes


A fictional meta-analytic data set with 6 published studies and 2 unpublished studies. The binary outcome event is not desired.




A data frame with 8 observations on the following 8 variables.

number integer Study numeric id (optional)
study character Name of study or principal investigator
year integer Year (optional)
outlook factor Denotes whether a study is unpublished, and if so, what outlook it has.
ctrl.n integer The sample size of the control arm.
expt.n integer The sample size of the experimental arm. integer The number of (undesired) events within the control arm. integer The number of (undesired) events within the experimental arm.


The outlook of a study can be one of the following: published, very positive, positive, negative, very negative, current effect, no effect, very positive CL, positive CL, negative CL, or very negative CL.

Since the outcome event is undesired, when using the function forestsens(), specify the option Since this is the default setting for forestsens(), this does not need to be specified explicitly.


Borenstein, Hedges, Higgins, and Rothstein. Introduction to Meta-analysis. Wiley, 2009, page 92.



forestsens(table=BHHR2009p92, binary=TRUE,

# To assign all unpublished studies to each of ten outlooks, one at a time, 
# and then return a table of summary effects, their 95% confidence interval, 
# and tau-squared.
summtab <- forestsens(table=BHHR2009p92, binary=TRUE,, all.outlooks=TRUE)


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> library(SAMURAI)
Loading required package: metafor
Loading required package: Matrix
Loading 'metafor' package (version 1.9-8). For an overview 
and introduction to the package please type: help(metafor).
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/SAMURAI/BHHR2009p92.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: BHHR2009p92
> ### Title: Fictional Data Set, with Binary Outcomes
> ### Aliases: BHHR2009p92
> ### Keywords: datasets
> ### ** Examples
> library(SAMURAI)
> data(BHHR2009p92)
> forestsens(table=BHHR2009p92, binary=TRUE,
> # To assign all unpublished studies to each of ten outlooks, one at a time, 
> # and then return a table of summary effects, their 95% confidence interval, 
> # and tau-squared.
> summtab <- forestsens(table=BHHR2009p92, binary=TRUE,, all.outlooks=TRUE)
> summtab
           outlooks            m      m.lcl        m.ucl exp.m.lcl
1     very positive -0.657903376 0.1710337 -0.9931232 -0.322683553 0.3704180
2          positive -0.568333595 0.1256784 -0.8146588 -0.322008396 0.4427904
3         no effect -0.291478290 0.1577465 -0.6006557  0.017699116 0.5484519
4          negative -0.100906688 0.2540699 -0.5988745  0.397061155 0.5494297
5     very negative  0.002300395 0.3137890 -0.6127147  0.617315522 0.5418778
6  very positive CL -0.587645833 0.1330325 -0.8483847 -0.326906987 0.4281059
7       positive CL -0.542508112 0.1217421 -0.7811183 -0.303897902 0.4578937
8    current effect -0.469505907 0.1194194 -0.7035637 -0.235448113 0.4948188
9       negative CL -0.388364844 0.1294271 -0.6420373 -0.134692426 0.5262193
10 very negative CL -0.297552512 0.1553083 -0.6019513  0.006846238 0.5477418
       exp.m exp.m.ucl       tau2         Q        Qpval
1  0.5179361 0.7242030 0.14900845  21.68898 2.873642e-03
2  0.5664686 0.7246921 0.05401459  13.12538 6.911181e-02
3  0.7471582 1.0178567 0.12472971  24.97171 7.676118e-04
4  0.9040174 1.4874469 0.43424883  84.05695 2.044197e-15
5  1.0023030 1.8539445 0.70376555 145.52754 3.525968e-28
6  0.5556338 0.7211508 0.06666738  14.37154 4.495428e-02
7  0.5812885 0.7379362 0.04814458  12.60360 8.237602e-02
8  0.6253112 0.7902167 0.04619128  12.72037 7.922171e-02
9  0.6781649 0.8739847 0.06465476  15.53564 2.971446e-02
10 0.7426336 1.0068697 0.11900267  24.04531 1.118642e-03
null device 