Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Sensory data for 6 chocolates
sensochocR Documentation

Sensory data for 6 chocolates


The data used here refer to the sensory description of six varieties of chocolates sold in France: each chocolate was evaluated twice by 29 panelists according to 14 sensory descriptors.




A data frame with 348 rows and 19 columns: 5 qualitative variables (Panelist, Session, Form, Rank, Product) and 14 sensory descriptors.


Applied mathematics department, AGROCAMPUS OUEST


decat(sensochoc, formul = "~Product+Panelist", firstvar = 5, graph = FALSE)


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> library(SensoMineR)
Loading required package: FactoMineR
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/SensoMineR/sensochoc.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: sensochoc
> ### Title: Sensory data for 6 chocolates
> ### Aliases: sensochoc
> ### Keywords: datasets
> ### ** Examples
> data(chocolates)
> decat(sensochoc, formul = "~Product+Panelist", firstvar = 5, graph = FALSE)
                Vtest      P-value
CocoaA       7.069904 7.752069e-13
MilkA        5.926057 1.551473e-09
CocoaF      13.480746 1.015224e-41
MilkF       16.399353 9.664309e-61
Caramel     11.531656 4.568473e-31
Vanilla      7.317675 1.261519e-13
Sweetness   11.440951 1.305044e-30
Acidity      7.723275 5.668927e-15
Bitterness  13.342729 6.529461e-41
Astringency  8.958706 1.642558e-19
Crunchy     12.661745 4.816702e-37
Melting      8.414849 1.967006e-17
Sticky       3.563447 1.830085e-04
Granular     4.370921 6.186172e-06

          CocoaA      MilkA      CocoaF      MilkF    Caramel    Vanilla
choc1  3.8960967 -3.4092791   8.4792350 -8.6962926 -6.9864134 -4.7659482
choc2  1.3033505 -1.7165180   2.9459617 -5.1608875 -2.4846891 -1.2983164
choc3 -7.6076663  6.5770685 -13.3301710 16.5225130 11.5230230  7.6840873
choc4 -0.1418583 -1.2887104   1.7932490 -4.1977563 -2.9241400  0.2599986
choc5  2.4844703 -1.0028542   2.3271295 -1.6318312  0.2608632 -1.3846150
choc6  0.3687976  0.6449953  -0.6290512 -0.4510445 -0.4098952 -0.7796599
       Sweetness    Acidity Bitterness Astringency      Crunchy    Melting
choc1 -8.2912995  6.1407727   9.950080  7.08365903  -0.70306291 -0.8752954
choc2 -2.0777805 -0.1597854   1.473915  0.19310174   6.91725073 -2.5895890
choc3 10.3942015 -6.6314813 -12.423532 -8.09368083 -12.49424203  9.1942291
choc4 -3.5260144  3.2061920   2.523635  2.57398446  -0.07814851 -2.3767927
choc5  0.6343472 -0.3809905   1.172320 -0.03862145   2.33428976 -0.8752954
choc6  2.4104440 -2.1431300  -1.849995 -1.58032961   5.34625373 -3.0838679
          Sticky   Granular
choc1 -0.9130306  1.7844500
choc2 -0.6286694  0.6190764
choc3  4.2908522 -5.4423167
choc4  0.5101075  2.1933938
choc5 -3.0967790  0.2752126
choc6 -0.2017057  0.6878134

           CocoaA      MilkA     CocoaF       MilkF     Caramel     Vanilla
choc1  0.79885057 -0.8275862  1.7241379 -1.88505747 -1.68103448 -0.96551724
choc2  0.26436782 -0.4137931  0.5689655 -1.07471264 -0.57758621 -0.25862069
choc3 -1.61494253  1.6379310 -2.9655172  4.25287356  2.97413793  1.60344828
choc4 -0.02873563 -0.3103448  0.3448276 -0.86781609 -0.68103448  0.05172414
choc5  0.50574713 -0.2413793  0.4482759 -0.33333333  0.06034483 -0.27586207
choc6  0.07471264  0.1551724 -0.1206897 -0.09195402 -0.09482759 -0.15517241
       Sweetness     Acidity Bitterness Astringency     Crunchy    Melting
choc1 -1.9454023  1.47988506  2.4568966  1.64655172 -0.15517241 -0.2097701
choc2 -0.4626437 -0.03735632  0.3362069  0.04310345  1.58620690 -0.6235632
choc3  2.5201149 -1.60632184 -3.2155172 -1.90517241 -3.13793103  2.3591954
choc4 -0.7902299  0.75574713  0.5775862  0.57758621 -0.01724138 -0.5718391
choc5  0.1408046 -0.08908046  0.2672414 -0.00862069  0.51724138 -0.2097701
choc6  0.5373563 -0.50287356 -0.4224138 -0.35344828  1.20689655 -0.7442529
           Sticky    Granular
choc1 -0.22126437  0.44827586
choc2 -0.15229885  0.15517241
choc3  1.05459770 -1.39655172
choc4  0.12356322  0.55172414
choc5 -0.75574713  0.06896552
choc6 -0.04885057  0.17241379

        CocoaA    MilkA   CocoaF    MilkF  Caramel  Vanilla Sweetness  Acidity
choc1 7.086207 3.586207 8.068966 1.568966 1.672414 1.103448  3.137931 4.655172
choc2 6.551724 4.000000 6.913793 2.379310 2.775862 1.810345  4.620690 3.137931
choc3 4.672414 6.051724 3.379310 7.706897 6.327586 3.672414  7.603448 1.568966
choc4 6.258621 4.103448 6.689655 2.586207 2.672414 2.120690  4.293103 3.931034
choc5 6.793103 4.172414 6.793103 3.120690 3.413793 1.793103  5.224138 3.086207
choc6 6.362069 4.568966 6.224138 3.362069 3.258621 1.913793  5.620690 2.672414
      Bitterness Astringency  Crunchy  Melting   Sticky Granular
choc1   7.068966    4.758621 5.965517 4.741379 3.758621 3.448276
choc2   4.948276    3.155172 7.706897 4.327586 3.827586 3.155172
choc3   1.396552    1.206897 2.982759 7.310345 5.034483 1.603448
choc4   5.189655    3.689655 6.103448 4.379310 4.103448 3.551724
choc5   4.879310    3.103448 6.637931 4.741379 3.224138 3.068966
choc6   4.189655    2.758621 7.327586 4.206897 3.931034 3.172414

                Vtest      P-value
MilkF       16.399353 9.664309e-61
CocoaF      13.480746 1.015224e-41
Bitterness  13.342729 6.529461e-41
Crunchy     12.661745 4.816702e-37
Caramel     11.531656 4.568473e-31
Sweetness   11.440951 1.305044e-30
Astringency  8.958706 1.642558e-19
Melting      8.414849 1.967006e-17
Acidity      7.723275 5.668927e-15
Vanilla      7.317675 1.261519e-13
CocoaA       7.069904 7.752069e-13
MilkA        5.926057 1.551473e-09
Granular     4.370921 6.186172e-06
Sticky       3.563447 1.830085e-04

                 Coeff Adjust mean      P-value     Vtest
Bitterness   2.4568966    7.068966 2.519811e-23  9.950080
CocoaF       1.7241379    8.068966 2.266793e-17  8.479235
Astringency  1.6465517    4.758621 1.403971e-12  7.083659
Acidity      1.4798851    4.655172 8.212101e-10  6.140773
CocoaA       0.7988506    7.086207 9.775537e-05  3.896097
MilkA       -0.8275862    3.586207 6.513481e-04 -3.409279
Vanilla     -0.9655172    1.103448 1.879676e-06 -4.765948
Caramel     -1.6810345    1.672414 2.820023e-12 -6.986413
Sweetness   -1.9454023    3.137931 1.120178e-16 -8.291300
MilkF       -1.8850575    1.568966 3.429035e-18 -8.696293

               Coeff Adjust mean      P-value     Vtest
Crunchy    1.5862069    7.706897 4.604927e-12  6.917251
CocoaF     0.5689655    6.913793 3.219522e-03  2.945962
Sweetness -0.4626437    4.620690 3.772958e-02 -2.077780
Caramel   -0.5775862    2.775862 1.296646e-02 -2.484689
Melting   -0.6235632    4.327586 9.609057e-03 -2.589589
MilkF     -1.0747126    2.379310 2.457818e-07 -5.160888

                Coeff Adjust mean      P-value      Vtest
MilkF        4.252874    7.706897 2.526479e-61  16.522513
Caramel      2.974138    6.327586 1.010040e-30  11.523023
Sweetness    2.520115    7.603448 2.634846e-25  10.394202
Melting      2.359195    7.310345 3.776931e-20   9.194229
Vanilla      1.603448    3.672414 1.540915e-14   7.684087
MilkA        1.637931    6.051724 4.798137e-11   6.577069
Sticky       1.054598    5.034483 1.779888e-05   4.290852
Granular    -1.396552    1.603448 5.259207e-08  -5.442317
Acidity     -1.606322    1.568966 3.323346e-11  -6.631481
CocoaA      -1.614943    4.672414 2.790894e-14  -7.607666
Astringency -1.905172    1.206897 5.788825e-16  -8.093681
Bitterness  -3.215517    1.396552 1.947688e-35 -12.423532
Crunchy     -3.137931    2.982759 8.025754e-36 -12.494242
CocoaF      -2.965517    3.379310 1.545430e-40 -13.330171

                 Coeff Adjust mean      P-value     Vtest
Acidity      0.7557471    3.931034 1.345042e-03  3.206192
Astringency  0.5775862    3.689655 1.005348e-02  2.573984
Bitterness   0.5775862    5.189655 1.161486e-02  2.523635
Granular     0.5517241    3.551724 2.827902e-02  2.193394
Melting     -0.5718391    4.379310 1.746390e-02 -2.376793
Caramel     -0.6810345    2.672414 3.454094e-03 -2.924140
Sweetness   -0.7902299    4.293103 4.218641e-04 -3.526014
MilkF       -0.8678161    2.586207 2.695725e-05 -4.197756

             Coeff Adjust mean     P-value     Vtest
CocoaA   0.5057471    6.793103 0.012974434  2.484470
Crunchy  0.5172414    6.637931 0.019580555  2.334290
CocoaF   0.4482759    6.793103 0.019958372  2.327130
Sticky  -0.7557471    3.224138 0.001956357 -3.096779

               Coeff Adjust mean      P-value     Vtest
Crunchy    1.2068966    7.327586 8.979331e-08  5.346254
Sweetness  0.5373563    5.620690 1.593312e-02  2.410444
Acidity   -0.5028736    2.672414 3.210266e-02 -2.143130
Melting   -0.7442529    4.206897 2.043283e-03 -3.083868

null device 