Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Maternal Drinking and Congenital Sex Organ Malformation
malformationsR Documentation

Maternal Drinking and Congenital Sex Organ Malformation


A subset of data from a study on the relationship between maternal alcohol consumption and congenital malformations.




A data frame with 32574 observations on 2 variables.


alcohol consumption, an ordered factor with levels "0", "<1", "1-2", "3-5" and ">=6".


congenital sex organ malformation, a factor with levels "Present" and "Absent".


Data from a prospective study undertaken to determine whether moderate or light drinking during the first trimester of pregnancy increases the risk for congenital malformations (Mills and Graubard, 1987). The subset given here concerns only sex organ malformation (Mills and Graubard, 1987, Tab. 4).

Graubard and Korn (1987) used this data set to illustrate that different choices of scores for ordinal variables can lead to conflicting conclusions.


Mills, J. L. and Graubard, B. I. (1987). Is moderate drinking during pregnancy associated with an increased risk for malformations? Pediatrics 80(3), 309–314.


Graubard, B. I. and Korn, E. L. (1987). Choice of column scores for testing independence in ordered 2 x K contingency tables. Biometrics 43(2), 471–476.


## Graubard and Korn (1987, Tab. 3)

## One-sided approximative (Monte Carlo) Cochran-Armitage test
## Note: midpoint scores (p < 0.05)
midpoints <- c(0, 0.5, 1.5, 4.0, 7.0)
chisq_test(malformation ~ consumption, data = malformations,
           distribution = approximate(B = 1000), alternative = "greater",
           scores = list(consumption = midpoints))

## One-sided approximative (Monte Carlo) Cochran-Armitage test
## Note: midrank scores (p > 0.05)
midranks <- c(8557.5, 24375.5, 32013.0, 32473.0, 32555.5)
chisq_test(malformation ~ consumption, data = malformations,
           distribution = approximate(B = 1000), alternative = "greater",
           scores = list(consumption = midranks))

## One-sided approximative (Monte Carlo) Cochran-Armitage test
## Note: equally spaced scores (p > 0.05)
chisq_test(malformation ~ consumption, data = malformations,
           distribution = approximate(B = 1000), alternative = "greater")
