Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Data Sets
dataR Documentation

Data Sets


Loads specified data sets, or list the available data sets.


data(..., list = character(), package = NULL, lib.loc = NULL,
     verbose = getOption("verbose"), envir = .GlobalEnv)



literal character strings or names.


a character vector.


a character vector giving the package(s) to look in for data sets, or NULL.

By default, all packages in the search path are used, then the ‘data’ subdirectory (if present) of the current working directory.


a character vector of directory names of R libraries, or NULL. The default value of NULL corresponds to all libraries currently known.


a logical. If TRUE, additional diagnostics are printed.


the environment where the data should be loaded.


Currently, four formats of data files are supported:

  1. files ending ‘.R’ or ‘.r’ are source()d in, with the R working directory changed temporarily to the directory containing the respective file. (data ensures that the utils package is attached, in case it had been run via utils::data.)

  2. files ending ‘.RData’ or ‘.rda’ are load()ed.

  3. files ending ‘.tab’, ‘.txt’ or ‘.TXT’ are read using read.table(..., header = TRUE,, and hence result in a data frame.

  4. files ending ‘.csv’ or ‘.CSV’ are read using read.table(..., header = TRUE, sep = ";",, and also result in a data frame.

If more than one matching file name is found, the first on this list is used. (Files with extensions ‘.txt’, ‘.tab’ or ‘.csv’ can be compressed, with or without further extension ‘.gz’, ‘.bz2’ or ‘.xz’.)

The data sets to be loaded can be specified as a set of character strings or names, or as the character vector list, or as both.

For each given data set, the first two types (‘.R’ or ‘.r’, and ‘.RData’ or ‘.rda’ files) can create several variables in the load environment, which might all be named differently from the data set. The third and fourth types will always result in the creation of a single variable with the same name (without extension) as the data set.

If no data sets are specified, data lists the available data sets. It looks for a new-style data index in the ‘Meta’ or, if this is not found, an old-style ‘00Index’ file in the ‘data’ directory of each specified package, and uses these files to prepare a listing. If there is a ‘data’ area but no index, available data files for loading are computed and included in the listing, and a warning is given: such packages are incomplete. The information about available data sets is returned in an object of class "packageIQR". The structure of this class is experimental. Where the datasets have a different name from the argument that should be used to retrieve them the index will have an entry like beaver1 (beavers) which tells us that dataset beaver1 can be retrieved by the call data(beaver).

If lib.loc and package are both NULL (the default), the data sets are searched for in all the currently loaded packages then in the ‘data’ directory (if any) of the current working directory.

If lib.loc = NULL but package is specified as a character vector, the specified package(s) are searched for first amongst loaded packages and then in the default library/ies (see .libPaths).

If lib.loc is specified (and not NULL), packages are searched for in the specified library/ies, even if they are already loaded from another library.

To just look in the ‘data’ directory of the current working directory, set package = character(0) (and lib.loc = NULL, the default).


A character vector of all data sets specified, or information about all available data sets in an object of class "packageIQR" if none were specified.

Good practice

data() was originally intended to allow users to load datasets from packages for use in their examples, and as such it loaded the datasets into the workspace .GlobalEnv. This avoided having large datasets in memory when not in use. That need has been almost entirely superseded by lazy-loading of datasets.

The ability to specify a dataset by name (without quotes) is a convenience: in programming the datasets should be specified by character strings (with quotes).

Use of data within a function without an envir argument has the almost always undesirable side-effect of putting an object in the user's workspace (and indeed, of replacing any object of that name already there). It would almost always be better to put the object in the current evaluation environment by data(..., envir = environment()). However, two alternatives are usually preferable, both described in the ‘Writing R Extensions’ manual.

  • For sets of data, set up a package to use lazy-loading of data.

  • For objects which are system data, for example lookup tables used in calculations within the function, use a file ‘R/sysdata.rda’ in the package sources or create the objects by R code at package installation time.

A sometimes important distinction is that the second approach places objects in the namespace but the first does not. So if it is important that the function sees mytable as an object from the package, it is system data and the second approach should be used. In the unusual case that a package uses a lazy-loaded dataset as a default argument to a function, that needs to be specified by ::, e.g.,


One can take advantage of the search order and the fact that a ‘.R’ file will change directory. If raw data are stored in ‘mydata.txt’ then one can set up ‘mydata.R’ to read ‘mydata.txt’ and pre-process it, e.g., using transform. For instance one can convert numeric vectors to factors with the appropriate labels. Thus, the ‘.R’ file can effectively contain a metadata specification for the plaintext formats.

See Also

help for obtaining documentation on data sets, save for creating the second (‘.rda’) kind of data, typically the most efficient one.

The ‘Writing R Extensions’ for considerations in preparing the ‘data’ directory of a package.


data()                         # list all available data sets
try(data(package = "rpart") )  # list the data sets in the rpart package
data(USArrests, "VADeaths")    # load the data sets 'USArrests' and 'VADeaths'
## Not run: ## Alternatively
ds <- c("USArrests", "VADeaths"); data(list = ds)
## End(Not run)
help(USArrests)                # give information on data set 'USArrests'


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> library(utils)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_rel/result/utils/data.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: data
> ### Title: Data Sets
> ### Aliases: data print.packageIQR
> ### Keywords: documentation datasets
> ### ** Examples
> require(utils)
> data()                         # list all available data sets
Data sets in package 'datasets':

AirPassengers           Monthly Airline Passenger Numbers 1949-1960
BJsales                 Sales Data with Leading Indicator
BJsales.lead (BJsales)
                        Sales Data with Leading Indicator
BOD                     Biochemical Oxygen Demand
CO2                     Carbon Dioxide Uptake in Grass Plants
ChickWeight             Weight versus age of chicks on different diets
DNase                   Elisa assay of DNase
EuStockMarkets          Daily Closing Prices of Major European Stock
                        Indices, 1991-1998
Formaldehyde            Determination of Formaldehyde
HairEyeColor            Hair and Eye Color of Statistics Students
Harman23.cor            Harman Example 2.3
Harman74.cor            Harman Example 7.4
Indometh                Pharmacokinetics of Indomethacin
InsectSprays            Effectiveness of Insect Sprays
JohnsonJohnson          Quarterly Earnings per Johnson & Johnson Share
LakeHuron               Level of Lake Huron 1875-1972
LifeCycleSavings        Intercountry Life-Cycle Savings Data
Loblolly                Growth of Loblolly pine trees
Nile                    Flow of the River Nile
Orange                  Growth of Orange Trees
OrchardSprays           Potency of Orchard Sprays
PlantGrowth             Results from an Experiment on Plant Growth
Puromycin               Reaction Velocity of an Enzymatic Reaction
Seatbelts               Road Casualties in Great Britain 1969-84
Theoph                  Pharmacokinetics of Theophylline
Titanic                 Survival of passengers on the Titanic
ToothGrowth             The Effect of Vitamin C on Tooth Growth in
                        Guinea Pigs
UCBAdmissions           Student Admissions at UC Berkeley
UKDriverDeaths          Road Casualties in Great Britain 1969-84
UKgas                   UK Quarterly Gas Consumption
USAccDeaths             Accidental Deaths in the US 1973-1978
USArrests               Violent Crime Rates by US State
USJudgeRatings          Lawyers' Ratings of State Judges in the US
                        Superior Court
USPersonalExpenditure   Personal Expenditure Data
UScitiesD               Distances Between European Cities and Between
                        US Cities
VADeaths                Death Rates in Virginia (1940)
WWWusage                Internet Usage per Minute
WorldPhones             The World's Telephones
ability.cov             Ability and Intelligence Tests
airmiles                Passenger Miles on Commercial US Airlines,
airquality              New York Air Quality Measurements
anscombe                Anscombe's Quartet of 'Identical' Simple Linear
attenu                  The Joyner-Boore Attenuation Data
attitude                The Chatterjee-Price Attitude Data
austres                 Quarterly Time Series of the Number of
                        Australian Residents
beaver1 (beavers)       Body Temperature Series of Two Beavers
beaver2 (beavers)       Body Temperature Series of Two Beavers
cars                    Speed and Stopping Distances of Cars
chickwts                Chicken Weights by Feed Type
co2                     Mauna Loa Atmospheric CO2 Concentration
crimtab                 Student's 3000 Criminals Data
discoveries             Yearly Numbers of Important Discoveries
esoph                   Smoking, Alcohol and (O)esophageal Cancer
euro                    Conversion Rates of Euro Currencies
euro.cross (euro)       Conversion Rates of Euro Currencies
eurodist                Distances Between European Cities and Between
                        US Cities
faithful                Old Faithful Geyser Data
fdeaths (UKLungDeaths)
                        Monthly Deaths from Lung Diseases in the UK
freeny                  Freeny's Revenue Data
freeny.x (freeny)       Freeny's Revenue Data
freeny.y (freeny)       Freeny's Revenue Data
infert                  Infertility after Spontaneous and Induced
iris                    Edgar Anderson's Iris Data
iris3                   Edgar Anderson's Iris Data
islands                 Areas of the World's Major Landmasses
ldeaths (UKLungDeaths)
                        Monthly Deaths from Lung Diseases in the UK
lh                      Luteinizing Hormone in Blood Samples
longley                 Longley's Economic Regression Data
lynx                    Annual Canadian Lynx trappings 1821-1934
mdeaths (UKLungDeaths)
                        Monthly Deaths from Lung Diseases in the UK
morley                  Michelson Speed of Light Data
mtcars                  Motor Trend Car Road Tests
nhtemp                  Average Yearly Temperatures in New Haven
nottem                  Average Monthly Temperatures at Nottingham,
npk                     Classical N, P, K Factorial Experiment
occupationalStatus      Occupational Status of Fathers and their Sons
precip                  Annual Precipitation in US Cities
presidents              Quarterly Approval Ratings of US Presidents
pressure                Vapor Pressure of Mercury as a Function of
quakes                  Locations of Earthquakes off Fiji
randu                   Random Numbers from Congruential Generator
rivers                  Lengths of Major North American Rivers
rock                    Measurements on Petroleum Rock Samples
sleep                   Student's Sleep Data
stack.loss (stackloss)
                        Brownlee's Stack Loss Plant Data
stack.x (stackloss)     Brownlee's Stack Loss Plant Data
stackloss               Brownlee's Stack Loss Plant Data (state)       US State Facts and Figures
state.area (state)      US State Facts and Figures (state)    US State Facts and Figures
state.division (state)
                        US State Facts and Figures (state)      US State Facts and Figures
state.region (state)    US State Facts and Figures
state.x77 (state)       US State Facts and Figures
sunspot.month           Monthly Sunspot Data, from 1749 to "Present"
sunspot.year            Yearly Sunspot Data, 1700-1988
sunspots                Monthly Sunspot Numbers, 1749-1983
swiss                   Swiss Fertility and Socioeconomic Indicators
                        (1888) Data
treering                Yearly Treering Data, -6000-1979
trees                   Girth, Height and Volume for Black Cherry Trees
uspop                   Populations Recorded by the US Census
volcano                 Topographic Information on Auckland's Maunga
                        Whau Volcano
warpbreaks              The Number of Breaks in Yarn during Weaving
women                   Average Heights and Weights for American Women

Use 'data(package = .packages(all.available = TRUE))'
to list the data sets in all *available* packages.

> try(data(package = "rpart") )  # list the data sets in the rpart package
Data sets in package 'rpart':

car.test.frame          Automobile Data from 'Consumer Reports' 1990
car90                   Automobile Data from 'Consumer Reports' 1990
cu.summary              Automobile Data from 'Consumer Reports' 1990
kyphosis                Data on Children who have had Corrective Spinal
solder                  Soldering of Components on Printed-Circuit
stagec                  Stage C Prostate Cancer

> data(USArrests, "VADeaths")    # load the data sets 'USArrests' and 'VADeaths'
> ## Not run: 
> ##D ## Alternatively
> ##D ds <- c("USArrests", "VADeaths"); data(list = ds)
> ## End(Not run)
> help(USArrests)                # give information on data set 'USArrests'
USArrests               package:datasets               R Documentation

_V_i_o_l_e_n_t _C_r_i_m_e _R_a_t_e_s _b_y _U_S _S_t_a_t_e


     This data set contains statistics, in arrests per 100,000
     residents for assault, murder, and rape in each of the 50 US
     states in 1973.  Also given is the percent of the population
     living in urban areas.



     A data frame with 50 observations on 4 variables.

       [,1]  Murder    numeric  Murder arrests (per 100,000)  
       [,2]  Assault   numeric  Assault arrests (per 100,000) 
       [,3]  UrbanPop  numeric  Percent urban population      
       [,4]  Rape      numeric  Rape arrests (per 100,000)    

     World Almanac and Book of facts 1975.  (Crime rates).

     Statistical Abstracts of the United States 1975.  (Urban rates).


     McNeil, D. R. (1977) _Interactive Data Analysis_.  New York:

_S_e_e _A_l_s_o:

     The 'state' data sets.


     pairs(USArrests, panel = panel.smooth, main = "USArrests data")

null device 