Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Settings of visualField object
vfsettingsR Documentation

Settings of visualField object


Specifies the structure of a vf object (see vf) and information pertaining test patterns and their statistical analysis.


data( vfsettings )


This structure contains a variable specifying the number of columns with patient and subject data, locini and several sub-structures with relevant information pertaining different pattern of locations and their analysis. Information exists for the test patterns p24d2, p30d2, p10d2, and sgrnfl. Each sub-structure contains three items:


locations that correspond to the ananomical region where the blind spot is. For 24-2, those are locations 26 and 35. There are non for the 10-2


total number of locations of the testing pattern in which stimuli are presented. For 24-2 there are 54 locations, for 30-2 there are 76, for 10-2 there are 68


specifies the rank TD value to be used for the derivation of TD. For 24-2, that ranked location would be 7, corresponding approximately (but not very) to the 85th percentile. For 30-2 the ranked locatoion taken is 10, but this needs fixing???. The way PD is calculated really for 30-2 is by taking the 24-2 locations and finding the seventh largest


Ivan Marin-Franch

See Also

