Last data update: 2014.03.03

Data Source

R Release (3.2.3)

Data Type

Data set


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pheno (Package: MultiPhen) :

A dummy dataset of 5 phenotypes measured in 150 individuals. The data has been generated to yield significant results for SNP1 and SNP2 of the snps dataset. The first two columns have been generated as alpha + beta1*snp + beta2*snp2 + error (with different alphas, betas and errors for each phenotype), the third has been generated as alpha + beta1*testPheno2 + beta2*snp3 + error, the fourth column is the results of sample of a binomial distributioni correlated with testPheno3, and the final column is the 1st PC of the principal component analysis of the snps matrix.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: pheno
● 0 images

snps.imputed (Package: MultiPhen) :

A toy dataset of three imputed SNP, for 150 individuals. For each individuals, and for each SNP, the first column is the probability of a minor allele homozygote genotype (genotype “0”), the second column is the probability of an heterozygote genotype (genotype “1”) and the third and last column is the probability of a major allele homozygote (genotype “2”).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: snps.imputed
● 0 images

snps (Package: MultiPhen) :

A dummy dataset of three SNPs, as a matrix of 3 column and 150 rows. The genotypes are in 0/1/2 format (0 for “AA”, 1 for “Aa” and 2 for “aa”, where A and a correspond, arbitrarily, to the two alleles). The data has been randomly generated, for instructional purposes only, and do not yield a significant association with any of the example phenotypes.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: snps
● 0 images