Last data update: 2014.03.03

Data Source

R Release (3.2.3)

Data Type

Data set


Results 1 - 10 of 18 found.
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hedochoc (Package: SensoMineR) : Chocolates hedonic scores

The data used here refer to six varieties of chocolates sold in France. Each chocolate was evaluated on a structured scale from 0 to 10, by 222 consumers, according to their liking (0) or disliking (10).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: hedochoc
● 0 images

chocolates (Package: SensoMineR) : Chocolates data

The data used here refer to six varieties of chocolates sold in France.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: chocolates
● 0 images

napping (Package: SensoMineR) : Napping data

The data used here refer to 10 different French wines evaluated by 11 panelists.
They were asked to position the wines on a tableclothe of dimension (60,40). They were asked to describe each wine using their own word list.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: napping
● 0 images

sensochoc (Package: SensoMineR) : Sensory data for 6 chocolates

The data used here refer to the sensory description of six varieties of chocolates sold in France: each chocolate was evaluated twice by 29 panelists according to 14 sensory descriptors.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: sensochoc
● 0 images

cards (Package: SensoMineR) : Cards

The data used here refer to 16 cards (images) on which 30 children performed a hierarchical sorting task.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: cards
● 0 images

napping.don (Package: SensoMineR) : An example of Napping data

The data used here refer to 10 different French wines evaluated by 11 panelists. They were asked to position the wines on a tableclothe of dimension (60,40).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: napping.don
● 0 images

smoothies (Package: SensoMineR) : Smoothies

The data used here refer to 8 smoothies on which 24 consumers performed a sorted napping task.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: smoothies
● 0 images

perfume_ideal (Package: SensoMineR) : Perfume Ideal Data

The data used here refer to the sensory description of twelve perfumes (2 were duplicated).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: perfume_ideal
● 0 images

napping.words (Package: SensoMineR) : An example of "illustrative" variables to enhance results from Napping data

The data used here refer to 10 different French wines evaluated by 11 panelists. They were asked to describe each wine using their own word list.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: napping.words
● 0 images

cream_id (Package: SensoMineR) : Cream Ideal Data

The data used here refer to the sensory description of 9 dessert chocolate creams.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: cream_id
● 0 images