Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Results 1 - 10 of 17 found.
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orderplot (Package: BMA) : Orderplot of iBMA objects

This function displays a plot showing the selection and rejection of variables being considered in an iterated Bayesian model averaging variable selection procedure.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot
● Alias: orderplot, orderplot.iBMA.bicreg, orderplot.iBMA.glm, orderplot.iBMA.intermediate.bicreg, orderplot.iBMA.intermediate.glm, orderplot.iBMA.intermediate.surv, orderplot.iBMA.surv
● 0 images

bic.surv (Package: BMA) : Bayesian Model Averaging for Survival models.

Bayesian Model Averaging for Cox proportional hazards models for censored survival data. This accounts for the model uncertainty inherent in the variable selection problem by averaging over the best models in the model class according to approximate posterior model probability.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: regression, survival
● Alias: bic.surv,, bic.surv.formula, bic.surv.matrix
● 0 images

out.ltsreg (Package: BMA) : out.ltsreg

Function to identify potential outliers
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: regression
● Alias: out.ltsreg
● 0 images

glib (Package: BMA) : Model uncertainty in generalized linear models using Bayes factors

Function to evaluate Bayes factors and account for model uncertainty in generalized linear models.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: models, regression
● Alias: as.bic.glm, as.bic.glm.glib, glib, glib.bic.glm,, glib.matrix
● 0 images

bic.glm (Package: BMA) : Bayesian Model Averaging for generalized linear models.

Bayesian Model Averaging accounts for the model uncertainty inherent in the variable selection problem by averaging over the best models in the model class according to approximate posterior model probability.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: models, regression
● Alias: bic.glm,, bic.glm.formula, bic.glm.matrix
● 0 images

plot.bicreg (Package: BMA) : Plots the posterior distributions of coefficients derived from Bayesian model averaging

Displays plots of the posterior distributions of the coefficients generated by Bayesian model averaging over linear regression, generalized linear and survival analysis models.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: models, regression
● Alias: plot, plot.bic.glm, plot.bic.surv, plot.bicreg
2 images

summary.iBMA (Package: BMA) : Summaries of iterated Bayesian model averaging objects

summary and print methods for iterated Bayesian model averaging objects.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: print
● Alias: print.iBMA.bicreg, print.iBMA.glm, print.iBMA.intermediate.bicreg, print.iBMA.intermediate.glm, print.iBMA.intermediate.surv, print.iBMA.surv, summary.iBMA.bicreg, summary.iBMA.glm, summary.iBMA.intermediate.bicreg, summary.iBMA.intermediate.glm, summary.iBMA.intermediate.surv, summary.iBMA.surv
● 0 images

bicreg (Package: BMA) : Bayesian Model Averaging for linear regression models.

Bayesian Model Averaging accounts for the model uncertainty inherent in the variable selection problem by averaging over the best models in the model class according to approximate posterior model probability.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: models, regression
● Alias: bicreg
3 images

iBMA (Package: BMA) : Iterated Bayesian Model Averaging variable selection for generalized linear models, linear models or survival models.

This function implements the iterated Bayesian Model Averaging method for variable selection. This method works by making repeated calls to a Bayesian model averaging procedure, iterating through the variables in a fixed order. After each call to the Bayesian model averaging procedure only those variables which have posterior probability greater than a specified threshold are retained, those variables whose posterior probabilities do not meet the threshold are replaced with the next set of variables. The order in which the variables are to be considered is usually determined on the basis of the some measure of goodness of fit calculated univariately for each variable.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: regression, survival
● Alias: iBMA, iBMA.bicreg,, iBMA.bicreg.iBMA.intermediate.bicreg, iBMA.bicreg.matrix, iBMA.glm,, iBMA.glm.iBMA.intermediate.glm, iBMA.glm.matrix, iBMA.surv,, iBMA.surv.iBMA.intermediate.surv, iBMA.surv.matrix
● 0 images

predict.bic.glm (Package: BMA) : Predict function for Bayesian Model Averaging for generalized

Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) accounts for the model uncertainty inherent in the variable selection problem by averaging over the best models in the model class according to approximate posterior model probability. This function predicts the response resulting from a BMA generalized linear model from given data.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: models, regression
● Alias: predict.bic.glm
● 0 images