Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Data set


Results 1 - 9 of 9 found.
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computeMBPCR (Package: mBPCR) : Estimate the copy number profile

Function to estimate the copy number profile with a piecewise constant function using mBPCR. Eventually, it is possible to estimate the profile with a smoothing curve using either the Bayesian Regression Curve with K_2 (BRC with K_2) or the Bayesian Regression Curve Averaging over k (BRCAk). It is also possible to choose the estimator of the variance of the levels rhoSquare (i.e. either hat{ρ}_1^2 or hat{ρ}^2) and by default hat{ρ}_1^2 is used.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: regression, smooth
● Alias: computeMBPCR
1 images

estGlobParam (Package: mBPCR) : Estimate global parameters of copy number data

Function to estimate the global parameters of copy number data: the mean and the variance of the segment levels (called nu and rhoSquare, respectively), the variance of the noise (sigmaSquare). It is possible to choose the estimator of rhoSquare (i.e. either hat{ρ}_1^2 or hat{ρ}^2) and by default hat{ρ}_1^2 is used.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: univar
● Alias: estGlobParam
● 0 images

estProfileWithMBPCR (Package: mBPCR) : Estimate and print the copy number profile of some chromosomes of a sample

Function to estimate the copy number profile with a piecewise constant function using mBPCR. Eventually, it is possible to estimate the profile with a smoothing curve, using either the Bayesian Regression Curve with K_2 (BRC with K_2) or the Bayesian Regression Curve Averaging over k (BRCAk). It is also possible to choose the estimator of the variance of the levels rhoSquare (i.e. either hat{ρ}_1^2 or hat{ρ}^2) and by default hat{ρ}_1^2 is used.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: regression, smooth
● Alias: estProfileWithMBPCR
1 images

estProfileWithMBPCRforOligoSnpSet (Package: mBPCR) : Estimate and print the copy number profile of some chromosomes of samples in an oligoSnpSet object

Function to estimate the copy number profile with a piecewise constant function using mBPCR. Eventually, it is possible to estimate the profile with a smoothing curve, using either the Bayesian Regression Curve with K_2 (BRC with K_2) or the Bayesian Regression Curve Averaging over k (BRCAk). It is also possible to choose the estimator of the variance of the levels rhoSquare (i.e. either hat{ρ}_1^2 or hat{ρ}^2) and by default hat{ρ}_1^2 is used.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: regression, smooth
● Alias: estProfileWithMBPCRforOligoSnpSet
● 0 images

importCNData (Package: mBPCR) : Import the copy number data

Function to import the raw copy number data from a tab delimited file.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: file
● Alias: importCNData
1 images

logAdd (Package: mBPCR) : Overflow-safe computation of the logarithm of a sum

Function to compute the logarithm of a sum of small numbers, avoiding overflow.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: math
● Alias: logAdd
● 0 images

mBPCR-internal (Package: mBPCR) : Internal mBPCR functions

Internal functions of package mBPCR.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: internal
● Alias: computeA10, computeLA0Vect, computePCReg, computeRecursions, computeRegrCurve, indexLA0
● 0 images

plotEstProfile (Package: mBPCR) : Plot the estimated profile of copy number data

Function to plot the estimated profiles of copy number data.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: hplot, print
● Alias: plotEstProfile
1 images

writeEstProfile (Package: mBPCR) : Write the estimated profile of copy number data

Function to write nicely the results of the copy number profile estimation. The function either writes the tables directly on a tab delimited file or returns the corresponding tables.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: file
● Alias: writeEstProfile
● 0 images