Last data update: 2014.03.03

Data Source

R Release (3.2.3)

Data Type

Data set


Results 1 - 10 of 97 found.
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EPA.89b.aldicarb2.df (Package: EnvStats) :

Aldicarb concentrations (ppm) at three compliance wells (four monthly samples at each well).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: Aldicarb, EPA.89b.aldicarb2.df
● 0 images

EPA.92c.nickel2.df (Package: EnvStats) :

Nickel concentrations (ppb) at a monitoring well (eight months of samples, two samples for each sampling occasion).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: EPA.92c.nickel2.df
● 0 images (Package: EnvStats) :

Alkilinity concentrations (mg/L) in groundwater.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias:
● 0 images

EPA.92c.lognickel1.df (Package: EnvStats) :

Log-transformed nickel concentrations (ppb) at four monitoring wells (five monthly samples for each well).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: EPA.92c.lognickel1.df
● 0 images

Total.P.df (Package: EnvStats) :

Monthly estimated total phosphorus mass (mg) within a water column at two different stations for the 5-year time period October 1984 to September 1989 from a study on phosphorus concentration conducted in the Chesapeake Bay.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: Total.P.df
● 0 images

EPA.09.Ex.13.1.iron.df (Package: EnvStats) :

Dissolved iron (Fe) concentrations (ppm) at six upgradient wells (four quarterly measures at each well).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: EPA.09.Ex.13.1.iron.df
● 0 images

EPA.09.Ex.18.3.TCE.df (Package: EnvStats) :

Trichloroethylene (TCE) concentrations (ppb) at three background wells and one compliance well. Six monthly measures at each background well, three monthly measures at the compliance well.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: EPA.09.Ex.18.3.TCE.df
● 0 images

EPA.09.Ex.17.7.sodium.df (Package: EnvStats) :

Sodium concentrations (ppm) collected over several years. The sample dates are recorded as the year of collection (2-digit format) plus a fractional part indicating when during the year the sample was collected.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: EPA.09.Ex.17.7.sodium.df
● 0 images

EPA.92c.benzene2.df (Package: EnvStats) :

Benzene concentrations (ppb) at one background and one compliance well. Four observations per month for each well. Background well sampled in months 1,2, and 3; compliance well sampled in months 4 and 5.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: EPA.92c.benzene2.df
● 0 images

EPA.09.Ex.10.1.nickel.df (Package: EnvStats) :

Nickel concentrations (ppb) from four wells (five observations per year for each well). The Guidance Document has the label “Year” instead of “Well”; corrected in Errata.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: EPA.09.Ex.10.1.nickel.df
● 0 images