Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Results 1 - 10 of 32 found.
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LC-utils (Package: LICORS) : Utilities for LC class

The "LC" class is the core property of the LICORS model as it specifies the spatio-temporal neighborhood of the past and future light cone. The function setup_LC_geometry generates an instance of the "LC" class.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot, method, models, print
● Alias: LC-utils, LC_coordinates2control_settings, plot.LC, summary.LC
2 images

estimate_state_adj_matrix (Package: LICORS) : Estimate adjacency matrix for equivalent FLC distributions based on states

This function estimates the adjacency matrix mathbf{A} of all pairwise equivalent FLC distributions given the states s_1, …, s_K. See Details below.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: distribution, manip, multivariate, nonparametric
● Alias: estimate_state_adj_matrix
1 images

predict_FLC_given_PLC (Package: LICORS) : Predict FLCs given new PLCs

This function predicts FLCs given new PLCs based on the estimated ε mappings and estimated conditional distributions.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: methods
● Alias: predict_FLC_given_PLC
● 0 images

weight_matrix2states (Package: LICORS) : Returns unique state assignment from a (row-wise) weight matrix

Converts a probabilistic cluster assignment to a unique cluster assignment using the
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: array, manip
● Alias: weight_matrix2states
● 0 images

mixed_LICORS-utils (Package: LICORS) : Utilities for ``LICORS'' class

The "mixed_LICORS" class is the objectput from the mixed_LICORS estimator.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot, model, nonparametric
● Alias: complete_LICORS_control, mixed_LICORS-utils, plot.mixed_LICORS, predict.mixed_LICORS, summary.mixed_LICORS
● 0 images

estimate_LC_pdfs (Package: LICORS) : Estimate PLC/FLC distributions for all states

estimate_LC_pdfs estimates the PLC and FLC distributions for each state k = 1, …, K. It iteratively applies estimate_LC.pdf.state.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: distribution, multivariate, nonparametric
● Alias: estimate_LC.pdf.state, estimate_LC_pdf_state, estimate_LC_pdfs
2 images

search_knn (Package: LICORS) : K nearest neighbor (KNN) search

This is a wrapper for several k nearest neighbors (KNNs) algorithms in R. Currently wrapped functions are from the FNN, RANN, and yaImpute package.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: classif, cluster, nonparametric
● Alias: search_knn
1 images

threshold (Package: LICORS) : Threshold a matrix/vector below and above

threshold sets values of a vector/matrix below min to min; values above max are set to max.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: array, manip
● Alias: threshold
● 0 images

image2 (Package: LICORS) : Improved image() function

Improved version of the image function in the graphics package. In particular, it displays matrices the way they are shown in the R console, not transposed/rearranged/... For example, a covariance matrix has the diagonal in from top-left to bottom-right as it should be, and not from bottom-left to top-right.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: aplot, color, hplot
● Alias: image2, make_legend
4 images

remove_small_sample_states (Package: LICORS) : Reassign low sample states to close states

This function removes small sample states by reassigning points in those state to nearby states.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: manip, method
● Alias: remove_small_sample_states
● 0 images