Last data update: 2014.03.03

Data Source

R Release (3.2.3)

Data Type

Data set


Results 27271 - 27280 of 27352 found.
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percentASFR (Package: wpp2010) :

Datasets giving the percentage of fertility rates over ages 15-50.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: percentASFR
● 0 images

migration (Package: wpp2010) :

Estimates and projections of male and female age-specific net migration.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: migrationF, migrationM
● 0 images

e0 (Package: wpp2010) :

Datasets containing the United Nations time series of the life expectancy (e0) for all countries of the world as available in 2010. Datasets e0F and e0F_supplemental contain estimates for female historical e0; e0M and e0M_supplemental contain estimates for male historical e0. The *_supplemental datasets contain a subset of countries for which data prior 1950 are available. Datasets e0Mproj and e0Fproj contain projections of male and female e0, respectively.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: e0, e0F, e0F_supplemental, e0Fproj, e0M, e0M_supplemental, e0Mproj, e0_supplemental
● 0 images

mx (Package: wpp2010) :

Age-specific data on mortality for male (mxM) and female (mxF).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: mxF, mxM
● 0 images

pop (Package: wpp2012) :

Datasets with age-specific male and female historical population estimates and projections. Datasets popM (popF) contains estimates of the historical population counts for male (female). Datasets popXprojMed, popXprojHigh and popXprojLow contain median, high and low projections, respectively, with X=M for male and X=F for female. Datasets popproj80l, popproj80u, popproj95l, and popproj95u are the lower (l) and upper (u) bounds of the 80 and 95% probability intervals of the total population, i.e. aggregated over sex and age. Datasets popprojHigh and popprojLow contain the upper and lower bounds of total population defined as +- 1/2 child.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: popF, popFprojHigh, popFprojLow, popFprojMed, popM, popMprojHigh, popMprojLow, popMprojMed, popproj80l, popproj80u, popproj95l, popproj95u, popprojHigh, popprojLow
● 0 images

migration (Package: wpp2012) :

Estimates and projections of male and female age-specific net migration.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: migrationF, migrationM
● 0 images

UNlocations (Package: wpp2012) :

United Nations table of locations, including regions, as available in 2012.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: UNlocations
● 0 images

mx (Package: wpp2012) :

Age-specific data on mortality for male (mxM) and female (mxF).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: mxF, mxM
● 0 images

percentASFR (Package: wpp2012) :

Datasets giving the percentage of fertility rates over ages 15-50.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: percentASFR
● 0 images

tfr (Package: wpp2012) :

Datasets containing the United Nations time series of the total fertility rate (TFR) for all countries of the world as available in 2012. Dataset tfr contains estimates of the historical TFR starting with 1950; tfr_supplemental contains a subset of countries for which data prior 1950 are available. Datasets tfrprojMed contain the median projections. Datasets tfrproj80l, tfrproj80u, tfrproj95l, and tfrproj95u are the lower (l) and upper (u) bounds of the 80 and 95% probability intervals, respectively. Datasets tfrprojHigh and tfrprojLow contain high and low variants, respectively, defined as +-1/2 child.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: tfr, tfr_supplemental, tfrproj80l, tfrproj80u, tfrproj95l, tfrproj95u, tfrprojHigh, tfrprojLow, tfrprojMed
● 0 images