Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Results 1 - 9 of 9 found.
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SCmapping (Package: clustComp) : Construction of the superclusters and the one-to-one mapping

SPmapping identifies groups of clusters from two flat partitionings that have the largest common intersections. These groups are found by following a greedy strategy: all edges incident to each cluster are removed except for the one(s) with highest weight; then the connected components in the resulting bi-graph define the correspondences of superclusters.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: clustering comparison
● Alias: SCmapping
1 images

barycentre (Package: clustComp) : Computation of the barycentre-coordinate of a node connected to

barycentre provides an updated coordinate value for a node that is connected to nodes in a different layer of a bigraph. It is computed as the average of coordinates of the adjacent nodes, where weighted edges are considered as multi-edges collapsed into one.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: edge crossing
● Alias: barycentre
● 0 images

drawTreeGraph (Package: clustComp) : Plot the bi-graph determined by the branches in the tree and the

drawTreeGraph plots both a hierarchical tree, either complete or pruned, and a flat clustering, connected with edges whose thickness is proportional to the number of elements shared by branches and clusters, to form a weighted bi-graph. Its usage is mainly internal, as part of the visualisation of the hierarchical.look.ahead function. The size of each cluster is also displayed.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: clustering comparison
● Alias: drawTreeGraph
2 images

dyn.cross (Package: clustComp) : Computation of the number of crossings in the bi-graph in a

dyn.cross dynamically computes the number of edge crossings for a given node ordering of both layers of the bi-graph. This ordering is given by the rownames and colnames of the matrix of weights provided as argument. The use of this function is mainly internal.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: edge crossing
● Alias: dyn.cross
● 0 images

flatVSflat (Package: clustComp) : Comparison of two flat clusterings

flatVSflat carries out the comparison and visualisation of two flat clusterings. The nodes in each partitioning are represented as nodes in the two layers of a bi-graph. The sizes of the intersection between clusters are reflected in the edge thickness. The number of edge crossings is minimised heuristically using the barycentre algorithm alternatively on each side.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: clustering comparison
● Alias: flatVSflat
1 images

flatVShier (Package: clustComp) : Comparison of a hierarchical and a flat clusterings

flatVShier carries out the comparison and visualisation of the relationships between a hierarchical and a flat clusterings. The hierarchical one is shown either as a complete or pruned tree, whose collapsed branches are nodes on the left hand side layer of a bi-graph. The flat clusters are represented on the right hand side. Branches and flat clusters are connected with edges, whose thickness represents the number of elements common to both sets. The number of edge crossings is minimised using the barycentre algorithm on the right hand side; also, the children corresponding to the last split in the dendrogram when exploring it by depth-first search are swapped if this decreases the number of crossings.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: clustering comparison
● Alias: flatVShier
13 images

insert (Package: clustComp) : Insert a set of values at a given position of a vector

insert introduces a vector at a given position of another vector, displacing to the right all values from that position onwards.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: branch split
● Alias: insert
● 0 images

score.crossing (Package: clustComp) : Computation of the aesthetics-based score of the parent and the

score.crossing computes the value of the scoring function based on the aesthetics of the bi-graph formed when comparing a dendrogram and a flat clustering, for both the parent-tree and the children-tree; the children-tree consists of the same branches as the parent-tree, except for the parent node, that has been split and replaced by some of its descendants.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: branch split
● Alias: score.crossing
● 0 images (Package: clustComp) : Computation of the information theoretic-based score of the parent computes the value of the scoring function based on information theory and the mutual information shared by a dendrogram and the flat clustering which is compared to, for both the parent-tree and the children-tree; the children-tree consists of the same branches as the parent-tree, except for the parent node, that has been split and replaced by some of its descendants.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: branch split
● Alias:
● 0 images